Discussion Guide: The Incredibles 2

To Know Before You Go:

Movie: The Incredibles 2

Rating: PG  

Age Suggestion: This movie is aimed at teens and adults as much as for kids. We are suggesting 6yrs old and up for this movie. Younger ones might be bored and scared. *Check out the preview for a glimpse at the main villian who is creepier than in most Pixar movies*

Running Time: 1 hour and 58 minutes *LONG movie for little ones*

Release Date: June 15th, 2018

Stars: We give it 4 ½ out of 5 stars

Themes: Family, Laws, Morality, Screen Time, Super Heroes

Trigger Warnings: There are discussions about dead parents and about a parent being shot, there are some intense images and violent scenes. Also strobe/flashing light warning for people who might be impacted by that. Also there is mild language in this movie. The intensity is about equal to the first movie. 

Quick Summary: There was a wonderful segment at the very beginning of the movie where some of the voice actors and the director came out and essentially said- we know it’s been a long time guys but we promise it will be worth it. And boy was it. Picking up where the first movie left off, superheroes are still not in favor with society. The super heros trying to change that leads them to learn more about family and winning together. A movie to watch with your kids!  


Discussion Questions:

1- How much are we controlled by our screens? How are screens useful in our life? (Screen Slaver vs. Jack Jack screens)

2- There are some unique and funny superpowers in this movie. What would your superpower be if you could have one?  

2- Who deserves credit in your life for being super?

3- Are there rules that seem unfair for you or others?

4- Why is it so important to have a moral compass?

5- Can going through something hard together make a family stronger?

6- How do we all support each other and share the workload in our family? Is there a way we can do it better?  

7- Which of Jack Jack’s powers do you think will stick? Would you like to have a little brother who can shoot laser beams out of his eyes?

8- Frozone shows us how to be a great friend. How can you be a friend like Frozone?

9- What was different about this movie than the first movie? Which one was your favorite?


Get it on Amazon now for your next family movie night!!!

Incredibles 2


3 Thoughts from the Hobbit:

– I enjoyed seeing the Jonny Quest and Outer Limits vignettes as well as the nod to the Dr. Seuss sleep book.

-This movie points out, and is something for parents and caregivers to consider, that raising a family is a heroic task in of itself. 

-You get to hear all the super hero theme songs in the credits!


3 Thoughts from the Elf:

– I really enjoyed how the movie brought up so many deep thoughts and topics while giving you opportunities to discuss them in new ways. (The positive and negative opportunities with screens, two sides of the gun control debate, legality vs. morality, gender roles, parenting, etc…) 

– The movie could have really pushed girl power and moms being able to rock everything in their lives but instead focuses on how vital every single member of the family is. One person’s win should be celebrated by the whole unit. And balancing family and life is not an easy thing for anyone, whether you work or stay at home- mom or dad.

*Plus the kids were more hopeful than and more vital than anyone gave them credit for being*

– The short at the beginning of the movie was adorable. But I swear it was engineered to make parents tear up about how fast little ones grow up!

*I did wish that frozone had some more screen time with his wife in this movie and there was one question left unanswered…*  

What did you think of the Movie?? Do you think there will be an Incredibles 3?

*We saw this in XD, you could tell a difference in the quality of the sound and picture on the screen. But not enough of a difference that I would pay extra while taking my kids to see it though. But for Jurassic World I am definitely considering it… *

You can purchase Incredibles 2 now!


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