Discussion Guide: Hotel Transylvania 3

To Know Before You Watch Hotel Transylvania 3

Movie: Hotel Transylvania 3

Rating: PG

Age Suggestion: 4+ (if they could handle the previous two movies- they can handle this one)

Running Time: About an 1 1/2 hours

Release Date: July 13th, 2018

Stars: 3 1/2 out of 5

Themes: family, diversity, inclusion

Trigger Warnings: Some scary images- but no more than the first two installments. However the previews were a little scary.

Quick Summary: A feel good summer movie that follows the lead of the first two installments. All the voice actors are back plus some- check out the list, you might be surprised! This is a great family movie (especially awesome for ten and under)- it’ll keep the kids and adults smiling and entertained. There’s some mild bathroom humor and some scary images (it IS a monster movie after all- but a fun one!)

You can get Hotel Transylvania 3 now!

Hotel Transylvania 3 Discussion Questions:

1- Who was your favorite monster and why?

2- if you went on a cruise where would you want to go?

3- How do you enjoy spending time with your family?

4- Have you ever seen someone being excluded for how they looked? What can we do about that? Have you ever felt excluded?

5- How did Dracula handle his bully? Is it easier to handle bullies with patience and kindness or with anger?

6- would you rather ride on a train, fly in a plane or set sail on a boat? (Not necessarily like the ones in the movie 😉 )



3 Thoughts from the Hobbit:

– This could be a great movie to facilitate some discussion in blended families!

-My favorite character is Mavis because she reminds me that I raised two strong daughters (and like Dracula, I take all the credit)

– The Music was really great!

3 Thoughts from the Elf: 

-I reallllllly have enjoyed these movies. I would watch 1, 2, or 3 again with kids or friends anytime. *And I just cannot say that about many series!*

-I love how they discuss complicated family and life issues with tact, kindness and humor! (And how little bathroom humor there is compared with how much they could easily get away with)

-Super excited to see who all the voice actors were! And Adam Sandlers kids got to voice two characters- so great!  I think it speaks to the quality of the series that so many popular actors signed on to the original and that they have continued adding to that list with the sequels.

What do YOU think is the happiest song ever? 

If interested, you can get the movie Hotel Transylvania 3 now!

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