Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker parent review with discussion questions! (+ 5 Lessons from Star Wars IX!) : A review by the Ent, Princess, Ranger, and the Hobbit
To Know Before You Watch:
Movie: Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker
Rating: PG-13
Age Suggestion: 12 + if they’ve watched the other movies and handled them well, they should handle this one well
Running Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
Release Date: December 20th, 2019
Stars: 3.5 out of 5
Themes: Identity, Self-Worth, Destiny, Original Sin
Warnings: This movie, although very similar to the previous movies in the trilogy, did have much darker scenes than the previous movies.
Quick Summary:
This movie jumps straight into the storyline, but not quite where we left off in The Last Jedi. But rather, Kylo Ren is looking to maintain his power as Supreme Leader from a new threat. Rey and the gang is off to defeat the First Order once and for all.
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5 Lessons from Star Wars IX:
1- You aren’t your history
There is a phrase that our household started using a few years ago, “Origin does not determine destiny” At the time it meant something very specific to us, but it has evolved over the years and we have seen it grow into a great truth. Your bloodline, your genetics, your family situation all has an effect on you, but you have the power to overcome any bad history.
2- It’s never to late to come home
As Kylo learned the hard way, there are people in your life that genuinely care about you and your life and would gladly accept you. Reparations may be in order, but love covers a multitude of bad actions, bad blood, and hurt feelings.
3- You never have to choose hatred
Rey is forced into the greatest ultimatum, give into her hatred and let evil win or fight it and have to battle for her life. In this case, she learns that the support from others can help you stay on the right path. Treating people with kindness will get you further than trying to use force (Or the Force)
4- Good people are out there when you need them
As shown at the climax of the film, in times of great distress, there is always help around if you ask the right people. You are never alone, even when you feel like you are. Darkness will always try to creep in but you have to push it away and know you always have friends.
5- Your story is not finished
No matter where you are in your journey of life, it is not over. You can overcome the darkness and make way through to the light. Even though it may seem to late to do the right thing, it never is. And no matter how hard or impossible it may seem, you have the power within to make things right or getting the help you need.

Discussion Questions:
1) There are a lot of characters – old and new – in the movie. Which one is your favorite? Why?
2) Have you ever been judged for the mistakes of somebody else? How did you overcome these views?
3) What was your favorite setting or planet from the movie? Which would you want to visit and why?
4) If you could have anyone from the past show up to you as a Force Ghost, who would it be and why?
5) Everyone has something to offer the world. What are three things that you do or can do that would benefit the world?

-Characters & Acting:
The actors did a very good job in portraying each of their character’s personalities (quirks and all). The characters themselves was very hit and miss. Due to the untimely death of Carrie Fisher in 2016, there was a limited amount of options for her character. Unfortunately, her character’s potential was just not lived up to. Kylo and Rey both have very interesting character developments throughout the film. Also, some relationships built in The Last Jedi were completely dropped in this film.
-Script & Story:
This story is a bit all over the place, but ultimately ends with a satisfying conclusion. From the opening crawl, it is easy to see that there have been some changes since The Last Jedi. We start with a radio signal from the deceased Palpatine and this causes a ruckus throughout the Galaxy. Picking up from where Rian Johnson picked up from Episode XIII, it is easy to see that JJ Abrams wanted to see his original idea through as well as he could. The Stars Wars story has taken many turns since the original movie.To bring ALL of the plot elements to a cohesive ending is more than you can ask of one movie. So the writers went for an emotionally satisfying ending, and largely succeeded.
-Film Quality:
The overall art styling is quite brilliant. From the over the top battle scenes to the quaint village setting celebrations. One very nice touch was the occasional scene filmed in the original trilogy stylings (a bit grainy as if filmed in the 70s). The CGI used within the film was well done didn’t distract much from the overarching stories. The portrayal of young Luke and Leia may have been jarring for some, but I thought they worked well within the context of the story.
–Favorite Moments:
-The battle and fight scenes were quite wonderfully done. They painted attacks fraught with real danger and chaos.
-Rey’s handling of her lineage was a very well done story line. You could literally watch her walking through the stages of grief.
-The very last scene was absolutely beautiful when it is realized that family is more than flesh and blood
-Although the trilogy may be looked back on as a bit of a mess, I still think this movie did it’s best with wrapping this trilogy as well as bringing the 40+ year series to a close
– Lin-manual Miranda (The creator of Hamilton) co-wrote a song with John Williams in the movie!
–What to check out next:
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