Side Split Saturday Vol. 3

A good Saturday morning to you all!

From the Pacific Ocean to the Casper Sea… sometimes word association can cause some hilarious misconceptions. It’s cute when the misconception comes from a little one and a little less cute when it follows you into adulthood. Word association is a developmentally positive thing for kids and a hilarious thing for us, so cheers for laughter and mixing up words!

Entertainment: Songs and TV shows provide endless funny word mix up opportunities!

-I mean, poor JT has been trying to convince us all that “Can’t Stop The Feeling” says electric wavy and not electric baby… but I’m not convinced.

-And I’m not sure which of my roommates in college showed me this… but if you listen to the opening verse of The Circle of Life, it sounds like they are singing “Pink pajamas, penguins on the bottom” instead of the Zulu lyrics “ingonyama bagithi baba”.

-There was a show on Nick when I was a kid that was called Eureeka’s castle and I heard “your” so I would call it “my reeka”- Tiffany R.

-When my husband was little, he thought the world actually used to be black and white since all the pictures and movies of “back then” were black and white- Joy S

-One little girl I knew thought the song ‘who let the dogs out?’ was ‘Who’s in the doll house?’- Shelley O (I mean- that would have been a great song too!)

-My little brother used to sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and replace the line “up above the (world so high)” with “up a bubba.” That would always make me, his bubba, both amused and a little nervous…- Shaun O

-There is a song that apparently says something along the lines of “The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind…” I’m still convinced that they say “The ants are my friend, they’re blowing in the wind.”- Ari M (How terrifying!!!)

Church: Some of the funniest word mix ups come from Sunday School.

-I mean those Bible names are hard! From Jesus coming to “replicate” us (instead of redeem) and looking for Zack’s keys (instead of Zacchaeus), there are a lot of things that can be misunderstood. Check out Dick Van Dyke’s “Faith, Hope and Hilarity” for more like these.

-Once a little boy sang the Zaccheus song “And as the sailor passed that way, He looked up in the tree.” – Kathy B

-There is a song we used to sing in church that said “Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me…” I asked my grandmother one day what an “afresh” was, and she had to step out of church because she was laughing at me so hard.- Ari M

-I was listening to a 3rd grade boy in Awana say his Bible books recently and he said laminations instead of Lamentations.- Amanda M

-After Sunday school when my son was younger, he told us he learned about the lights in Israel. After a bit more questioning we figured out they had learned about the Israelites…but he heard it as Israel-lights. – Rebecca S

-When we sang the New Testament song, I didn’t know what the “plot“ of that song was. I had no idea we were naming new testament books in order. The only thing that made sense was right after Titus, it said “Philemon, he bruised James.” Instead of Hebrews. That was my take away. What’s really sad, is that I was a junior in high school. (ok, I made that last part up)- Don M

-Church song: I had no idea what “sheaves” were. I thought we were “Bringing in the sheeps“. I mean, Jesus left 99 to go find 1.- Mark S

Signs: There are two types of people in life…. Those that read signs/instructions and those who do not. But even if you do stop to read a sign, sometimes they bring more confusion than clarity.

-The deer crossing signs always confused me. I wondered how the deer knew to cross between the signs- Dawn D

-When I was little I use to think the speed limit signs were sleep limits. Like you could only sleep that long, not realizing that you can’t sleep while you drive.- Tiffany R

-I always wondered, does a deer get penalized if he crosses in the duck crossing instead of the deer crossing, and vice versa?- Candi S

-I always thought the signs that said “Don’t drink and drive” meant that you could not drink anything at all, not even water while you were on the road.

Miscellaneous: Sit back, enjoy that “sketti” and laugh through some of these “Mrs. Aliens” (or miscellaneous) misconceptions…

-My son calls elevators “alligators” and blueberries “boobies”- Joy S

-My dad’s name is Dennis and I always thought everyone called him “dentist” and was super confused when I realized he was not one. I also thought you could literally “waste your breath”- Erin W

-My niece thought a 20 car pile-up meant that the cars were stacked on top of each other. My son and I would always argue about the Garth Brooks song that sounds like “I’m shaving” instead of “I’m shameless”!!!- Leann T.

-I often referred to “Baskin-Robinns” as “Batman & Robin’s.” My son Peyton used to sing this song “Pour Out,” but he sang, “ give a turtle life!” instead of “ give eternal life!” For the record, we didn’t correct him on that.- Brian T

– I was young during the Vietnam War. My friend’s mom said they had sent “gorillas “ into the war zone. I got upset and said “why would they do that? They will get killed.” I thought they were real animal gorillas. She proceeded to explain that they were soldiers. – Mikki S

-My son’s been talking about changing letters to make rhyming words. So he had to change c in cut to m to make mut. I asked him what does mutt mean and he said it’s that word they use in the snow when they want the dogs to go…mutt mutt, I told him that’s mush mush, not mutt. So all the way to school of course he starts saying “mush” mom “mush.” – Melissa G

-The first time I went to Sonic, driving on my own, I asked for a cherry sprite and onion rings. The carhop responded, “Ok, so you want onion rings and a Shirley Temple right?” My response was, “Oh, no thank you. I don’t drink.”

Laughter’s just the best, isn’t it!? What is something you misunderstood as a kid?

Coming up next —-> A discussion guide/review for the Incredibles 2! We will post it on Friday morning the 15th.

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