7 Kid Friendly Thanksgiving Joke Memes to make you smile this Thanksgiving!
1- What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by it’s diameter?

Answer: A Pumpkin Pie
2- Why couldn’t the turkey play baseball?

Answer: He could only hit FOWL balls
3- What did the baby corn say to the mama corn?

Answer: Where’s POPcorn?
4- Grandma keeps asking me to help make the bread, but it’s such a crumb-y job!

PS: If you’re enjoying these kid friendly Thanksgiving memes- check out some of our other posts. Like 5 Lessons from Frozen 2 with a parent review, our Lady and the Tramp review, or our post about 10 questions to ask the people you live with besides “How was your day?“.
5- If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

Answer: Pilgrims!
6- If you call a large turkey a gobbler, what do you call a tiny turkey?

Answer: A goblet!
7- Why did the Pilgrim’s pants keep falling down?

Answer: Because their belts are on their hats!
MORE Thanksgiving Jokes to Make You Smile!

What’s the best smelling thing to bring to Thanksgiving?! Answer: Your NOSE!

Why was the cranberry sauce SO red? Answer: Because it saw Mom’s dressing! (Or because it saw mom dressing the turkey)

What instrument could grandpa suddenly play after Thanksgiving dinner? Answer: The drums! Because he are all the drumsticks! And now he only plays plymouth ROCK!

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Don Who?
Don eat any leftovers without me!!
Thanks for checking out this holiday post!
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HA! I don’t have kids but that doesn’t stop me from loving a good wholesome meme. I think my favorite is the May Flowers!
We love a good wholesome joke too! So glad you enjoyed these!
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