Know Before You Watch the Downton Abbey Movie:
Movie: Downton Abbey 2019
Rating: PG because of thematic elements, some suggestive material, and language
Age Suggestion: 10+ (This is an adult drama with some mature themes- although tamer than the TV show. The movie would be boring for younger viewers, but it could be a good watch for teens and parents that could lead to some great discussions)
Running Time: 2 hours
Release Date: September 20th, 2019
Downton Abbey Themes: Responsibility, Marriage, Relationships, Sexual Orientation, Loyalty, Social Rank
Trigger Warnings: The movie does not get into anything that the show has not already brought up. Parents should be aware that there is a small story line about parentage/fostering (aka-wards) and belonging as well as sexual orientation trauma. (again- neither of these are explored as deeply as they are in the show)
Quick Summary of Downton Abbey 2019 Movie:

Picking up seemingly only a couple of years after the show left off, we follow the Crawley family on the greatest adventure that they have embarked on yet, hosting the King and Queen. Of course, in times of stress, things go awry and the unexpected happens. Will that stiff upper lip, British family, be able to hold it together and present a united front of nobility?
Downton Abbey Movie Review:
I’m a die hard fan- will I like the movie?:
This movie was made for the fans! If you loved where the finale left off I do not think you will have any qualms with the movie! In fact, it may become a new favorite! This is the best of what the show was neatly wrapped up into a movie package.
What if I’ve Never Seen/ Haven’t Finished the Downton Abbey Show?:
The good news is that the Downton Abbey folks want everyone to be able to enjoy this film- so they’ve put a little 7 minute re-cap of the show from two of it’s headliners in front of the film. (If you want to see it twice, here it is!)
We also have you covered with a FUN and SHORT little 5 minute re-cap of Who’s Who on the show that you can watch here.
And while you may not love the movie as much as your friends who have followed the series- if you can still enjoy a good, feel good, time period piece- this is for you.
5 Minute Show Re-Cap of the Downton Abbey Show… Who’s Who?
If you’ve never seen the show, or if you watched it all and want a quick refresher- here’s a 5 minute re-cap of the show! *Spoilers included for the show but not for the movie*
Spoilers past this point…
Downton Abbey Movie Discussion Questions:
Grab your tea and biscuits! Here are some discussion questions for the drive home after the movie, or for your book club or watch group!!
1) Change is sometimes an unwelcome part of life. In what ways do you embrace change well? In what ways do you like to honor and preserve traditions?
2) Downton has always done a marvelous job of showing characters to empathize with from every walk of life. Which character did you sympathize most with in the movie?
3) Were there any character plot points left out of the movie that you wish they had covered?
4) People are not always as they seem. Did you see all the character twists and turns before they happened?
5) Who wore your favorite costume in the movie? What was your favorite scene?

Downton Abbey Movie Review WITH MINOR SPOILERS:
Characters & Acting in the Downton Abbey 2019 Movie :
-These characters all seem so real and relatable! My only complaint was that I wished that some of my favorites had gotten a little more screen time and vice versa. But this is a movie and not an entire show season, so that’s to be expected.
-Thoroughly enjoyed the new characters and I love the direction they went with all the characters from the show.
-My favorite four (Violet & Isobel, Anna & Bates) all had some wonderful lines and parts.
-Thrilled that both Toms got their happy moments and solid screen time.
-Princess Mary is remembered as a happy, helpful princess who was extremely loyal to her family and the crown. Here we get another view of her life and marriage, which Tom Branson had a hand in saving in the film. The new additions of the royal family were portrayed so well in the movie!!
Script & Story of the Downton Abbey Movie (2019):
-Sure, there were a few plot holes with changing the format of the show, but nothing major or upsetting.
-There are going to be characters that you wish got more screen time, the more I think about it the more characters I missed!
-Downton has always done such a marvelous job of showing you sympathetic characters, relatable life situations, and giving you all the feels. The story and movie left me feeling hopeful and happy. A beautiful period piece.
-We loved that we got to witness another little bit of historical drama and how that might have played in to the lives of people who lived during that time. When other monarchies were failing- the British monarchy was doing tours reminding the people of their significance and humanizing the royal family.
Film Quality:
-One of the things I loved so much about the show was how beautiful it all was. Even when the house was a temporary hospital during the war, it was all so grand. That translated very well onto the big screen. The panoramic shots of the house felt very CGI a couple of times but overall, I felt like I was walking around with the nobility of the 1920’s. This movies was beautifully shot and edited. The music was nostalgic and wonderful. Everything flowed very well.
Favorite Moments from the 2019 Downton Abbey Movie:
-I love Violet and Isobele’s verbal sparring. It felt like it was even deeper in the movie. They are really just SO excellent and fabulous together!
-The kitchen staff all banding together was a great comedic/action moment.
-The scene between Violet and Mary towards the end was beautiful.
-I love the relatable characters and solid friendships of the show, especially Mary’s relationship with Henry, Tom and Anna.
-Seeing everyone happy and hopeful!!!
– The family dynamics in the show have always been enjoyable, but it was so wonderful to see them bond even closer than before, banding together and showing love in places where there used to be tension. It is a great picture of what family should be.
Other Notes from the Downton Abbey 2019 Movie:
-One of the things I enjoyed so much about the show was that, even though it never shied away from tackling hard subjects, it always seemed hopeful. The house’s future always seemed a bit shaky but the hopeful air of the family never did. The movie did this SO well.
-I cannot imagine how difficult it is to tie the story lines of 20 different characters to one main narrative arc in just under 2 hours when you’re used to having 3 times that in a season. They made it work though, and I believe that the fans will be pleased.

What to check out next after the Downton Abbey 2019 Movie:
-You can find the Downton Abbey seasons on Amazon here.
Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6
-You might be interested in our review and discussion questions for the movie Tolkien, Aladdin, and the Bethany Hamilton documentary Unstoppable.
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