To Know Before You Go: How To Train Your Dragon 3 Review
Movie: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (How To Train Your Dragon 3 Review)
Rating: PG
Age Suggestion: 5+
Running Time: 1 hr. 45 mn.
Release Date: February 22nd, 2019
Stars: 4 out of 5
Themes: Friendship, Love, Loyalty, Family, Home
Trigger Warnings: Fire, violence, parental loss
Quick Summary:
Hiccup must step up as chief to save the people and dragons of Berk from war and disaster. Will the dragon rescuing team succeed in the face of overwhelming odds, loss and danger? This movie is visually stunning, wonderfully voiced, and while it is an action movie- it’s funny in all the right places. If you’re a fan of the series it’s sure to make you tear up and laugh.

Discussion Questions:
1- Which movie is your favorite out of the three?
2- Where is home for you? What does home mean to you?
3- The people of Berk had to figure out how to protect and help each other- How can you show love by putting a friends needs in front of your own?
4- At what point in the movie did the dragon saving team work the best together?
5- Have you ever been on a team that wasn’t working together well?
6- Hiccup has a hard time believing in himself in all three movies- can you relate to that? What counters that for him in this movie?
7- If you could ride any of the dragons, which one would you pick? One that looked cooler, or one that was bigger and stronger?
How To Train Your Dragon 3 Review: **There are some light spoilers in the reviews**
Thoughts from the Elf:
-Parents need to know that, like in the other films, there is light bathroom humor and violence. This movie is probably more appropriate for younger kids than the second movie was though. Even though it’s an action movie, there are still plenty of spots where younger kiddos could get bored.
-The action was similar to the action in the first two films and everyone we went with agreed that the bad guy was done away with a little too quickly. But we were still invested in the story line and characters.
-There were some really stunning visuals in this movie. They really did an excellent job with the art and music- right down to the final credits.
-I had forgotten how many amazing people were voice acting in this movie, it was cast very well and I was super thankful that we still got to hear some of Gerard Butler’s voice in this one.
-My sister and I were glad to see that Astrid pushed back on getting married ‘just to get married’ and wanted to wait until they were ready for that step. She was committed to the relationship and to supporting Hiccup as chief but she wasn’t about to get married because other people told them they should.
Thoughts from the Princess:
– I think this was a fantastic movie. I think it had a wonderful story line, with a lot of deep and beautiful principles. I think it highlighted friendship, love, and sacrifice perfectly.
-I like that the action sequences were a bit spread out, rather than all packed into one giant “last battle”. Unfortunately the final fight seemed to be over quickly and the bad guy taken down without a big explosion, however I do not think that it took away from the overall movie (which is not easy to do).
-The CGI was amazing. The world was beautifully done and it made me want to go there so badly!
-They truly let you into the minds and hearts of the characters on the screen and got you even more emotionally attached than you already were (I mean who doesn’t love toothless and astrid/hiccup). You root for them, and you hurt with them. Overall I loved this movie and think it will be watched by many for years to come!
Thoughts from the Ranger:
-I think this was the best How to Train Your Dragon movie yet. The storyline was much more developed and thought out than the previous two. It connected on a deeper level as well.
-The movie did a great job of focusing on the relationships between the characters and letting you into their personal lives and hearts. They did a great job of addressing letting something or someone go, even though it is hard, because it is what is best.
-The CGI was BEAUTIFUL and was much better than the previous movies. -The comedy throughout was very well placed and subtle, it didn’t take away or distract from the story but kept you from crying and complimented the story well.
Overall I think it is a great movie for the whole family.

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