Book: The Bridge: How the Roeblings Connected Brooklyn to New York
Author: Peter J. Tomasi
Illustrator: Sara DuVall
Pages: 208
Published: 2018
Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The true story of the design and construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, seen through the eyes of the Roeblings, which was and is an engineering marvel.
The Bridge Review
This graphic novel traces the history of the Brooklyn Bridge through the story of father John Augustus Roebling, son Washington, and daughter in law Emily. John originally designed the bridge, but died in an accident before construction actually began. His son took over the project; however, in the course of construction he developed caisson disease. His wife Emily reported to him from on-site. As she also knew the dynamics of bridge construction, they were, in effect, co-chief engineers of the project. Emily helped see the bridge through a number of conflicts to its completion.
This would be a fantastic book to use in a study of the history of the mid to late 1800’s. History can become just a list of events and dates. The Bridge brings history to life. It is well told and compelling reading, and it is tastefully and well illustrated. Even if you don’t have a great interest in architecture or engineering this is an entertaining and educational read.
The Bridge Review Discussion Questions
(1) At the beginning of the book we see the relationship between John Augustus and his son Washington. Family relationships were different in the early 1800’s. What did you like about their relationship? What did you not like?
(2) If you could build something really big, what would it be?
(3) Emily helped her husband while he was sick. Have you ever helped someone who was sick? How?
(4) The Roeblings faced a lot of obstacles – from people who did not believe the bridge could be built all the way to corrupt politicians. They persevered through all of these. What obstacles are you facing right now? What can we learn about perseverance and faith from how the Roeblings handled their obstacles?
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