To Know Before You Go *Slight Spoilers Warning*
Movie: The Kid Who Would Be King
Rating: PG
Age Suggestion: 10+, unless your younger kiddos can handle scary images, jump scares, and mild but intense violence
Running Time: 2 hours
Release Date: January 25th, 2019
Stars: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars
Themes: Virtue, Friendship, Leadership, Bravery, Bullying, Legends and Myths
Trigger Warnings: Be aware that there are jump scares, flaming skeletons and reference to an alcoholic, deadbeat father.
Quick Summary: The knights of the round table are back! But not how you would expect! This is an awesome movie for pre-teens/ young teens. Be aware that there are jump scares and some intense scenes and images. A great reminder for adults that kids are our future leaders and we are impacting them now. And Patrick Stewart- need we say more? A family-friendly movie that’s sure to start some great conversations!

Discussion Questions for the Kid Who Would be King
1) If you could be a character from any legendary story- which would you be?
2) If you were a knight- which of the rules would come easiest to you and which would be the most difficult?
3) We’ve all been afraid at one point or another that we don’t measure up or that we are insignificant. How can we help each other combat that? 4) What does God say about our, and others, worth and leadership?
5) Who should you be partnering with instead of fighting against?
The Kid Who Would be King Review from the Hobbit and Elf
-We hope that this becomes a cult classic for pre-teens/ young teens. We’re thinking like The Goonies are today. It was a really good movie that’s sure to start some great conversations.
-Patrick Stewart. There’s literally nothing that beats him telling you (even just from the big screen) that you can change legends and your future. He’s just the best!
-There were some real stretches in the plot, but so did all of our favorite movies from when we were teens. It’s still pretty great.
-It’s a great reminder for adults, in this world where we don’t trust our leaders and argue with each other, that our kids are our future leaders. How we live today impacts how they are going to lead. Let’s do a better job- lead by better example than what we are doing now.
-It’s a clever way to re-imagine King Arthur. It might spark some conversations about legends, myths and leadership. The rules of the knights are great things for us all to aspire towards.
-The actors were great! All the kids did such a wonderful job!! And yay for one of the knights of the round table being a girl!!
-Our only big criticisms were that we couldn’t imagine ourselves being on the adventure with the kids (probably because we are not middle school boys) but for what it was- this was a great movie!
Check out the book and the movie here.

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