These Manger Reimagined Family Advent Week 4 Devotional posts are written by the Down the Hobbit Hole Blog team in November & December 2020. This Advent week one post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
The theme of Advent week 4 is Peace. This is perhaps one of the most difficult concepts this holiday season, even more than most holiday seasons.
Why Reimagine the Manger?:
When we read the story of Mary and Joseph in the Bible, we typically read it through our shiny Christmas lens with our pretty nativity sets in mind. But after doing some historical and cultural reading, we can see that our interpretation of what happened at the manger is just a shiny reflection of some pieces of the event. So during these four weeks, we’re going to dive into each of the characters and their settings a little more.
This is part four of our Advent series. To find out more about what Advent is and catch up with this series, you can find week one here, week two here, and week three here.
Advent Week Four: Reflection on the Journey of the Wise Men and the Words of Simeon and Anna
Simeon and Anna’s Unexpected Journey
Presenting infants at the Temple would have been a common thing to do. When Jesus is presented as an infant, Mary and Joseph were approached by Simeon and Anna. Simeon’s words were recorded and Anna’s were not. But Luke still included Anna which reinforces the idea that Jesus came for everyone regardless of gender or religious affiliation. That was not what people were expecting. They thought Jesus would bring about physical and political peace in their current situation.
The beautiful prophecy of Simeon reveals at the very beginning of our King’s life that he was sent not for just a select few but to love and bring peace to all.
“With my own eyes I’ve seen your salvation; it’s now out in the open for everyone to see: A God-revealing light to the non-Jewish nations, and of glory for your people Israel.”
Luke 2:25 MSG
For most Jews at that time this was a radical message. The Messiah – the King – was to lead them in victory over the non -Jewish nations, not include them in salvation! In fact, it was so startling that Mary and Joseph were speechless! This was not what anyone expected, but our God is a God of surprises.
Simeon then reminds us that peace and love have a cost. Dr. Bailey comments in Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes, that Mary will suffer greatly at Jesus’ pain and that her life will not be peace filled. Which also reminds us that there has always been unrest and upheaval in the world, Jesus brought us internal and eternal peace- but not the kind of political peace that people were expecting. And Jesus’ very death was brutal. So Simeon doesn’t proclaim wise words of the calm, happy, peace I think about, but of the world changing Prince of Peace.
Reimagining the Wise Men’s Manger
I’ve always just assumed that the Wise Men were rich religious men from nearby and that they traveled to see Jesus when he was an infant. The Wise Men were probably astrologers that were not Jewish. And while there were unique astrological events recorded around the time scholars believe that Jesus was born, the star that we talk about the Wise Men following probably did not show up until Jesus was around one years old. And the Wise Men’s gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold would have been common things for wealthy Arabic men to possess. But what’s the significance?
![Advent Week 4](
The unique movements of Mars and this star might have even reinforced the idea that Jesus was coming to conquer and reign. The Wise Men were met by Jewish leaders who wanted to conquer Jesus instead of praise Him and yet they still journeyed to find Him and worshipped Him themselves. (And there were probably more than three men!) So what we have is non-Jewish, wealthy men and poor, looked down on shepherds coming to praise Jesus.
Which fulfills many prophecies, like in Isaiah 60. But it certainly does not look like anyone expected it to. This baby wasn’t going to be a political or religious giant in the way that anyone expected. Rather a Savior and Prince of Peace that would turn the world on it’s head in unexpected, mysterious, and marvelous ways. God shows up in unexpected ways, His peace usually does not make sense. But He does show up. And offers us peace, regardless of our circumstances.
Bible Passages to Read Together for Advent Week Four:
-Isaiah 60
-Luke 2: 21-38
-Matthew 2 (specifically 2:1-12)
Advent Discussion Questions for Week 4:
- Have you ever experienced a time of unexpected or unexplainable peace?
- How do you attempt to focus on peace during times of stress or discontentment?
- What are some differences in the manger you imagined as a kid and the manger you’ve learned about as an adult?
- What is a movie or song that brings you peace or shows a great example of unexplainable peace?
Prayer for Advent Week 4:
“Eternal God,
in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn
but the sword of righteousness,
no strength known
but the strength of love:
So mightily spread abroad your Spirit,
that all peoples may be gathered under
the banner of the Prince of Peace,
as children of one Father.
guide the nations of the
world into the way of justice and truth,
and establish among them that peace
which is the fruit of righteousness,
that they may become the kingdom
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To whom be dominion and
glory, now and for ever. Amen.“
From the Book of Common Prayer Online
Advent Resources:
Resources we used for this Post:
–Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: By Kenneth Bailey
-Sarah Bessey’s blog on the Joy of Being Wrong at Christmas
–The One Year Book of Christian History by E. Michael and Sharon Rusten
**For more of this series: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, and Week 5**
Advent Resources:
-Our post from last year with music and movie resources for week 2!
– Unwrapping the Greatest Gift or the Calendar version by Ann Voskamp.
– Watch for the Light: A collection of Advent readings.
– Keeping Christmas: 25 Advent Reflections on A Christmas Carol.
– A Better Than Anything Christmas: Includes journaling space and short entries for younger kids.
You Might Be Interested in These Other Posts:
–Hope is Coming! Our movie and music Advent devotionals from last year.
–25+ Christmas Movies to Stream & Where to Stream Them
-Our Family Christmas Quiz & Game Bundle for $1.50.
-Our Favorite New Christmas Books and Read Alouds-10 Socially Distant Family, Holiday, Activities!
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