Bigfoot Family Review and Bigfoot Family Discussion Questions written by the Ent on 3/3/2021 This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Know Before You Watch
Movie: Bigfoot Family
Rating: TV-Y7
Genre: Adventure, Family, Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 29 mins.
Age suggested: 7 and up
Release Date: February 26th, 2021
Streaming Service: Netflix
Themes: Social Responsibility, Family Priorities, Oil Drilling
Warnings: Mild violence, Animals getting shot by tranquilizers, Teen romance (minor kissing and flirting)
Quick Summary of Bigfoot Family
This is a sequel to the 2017 film The Son of Bigfoot, but you don’t need to have seen the first movie to enjoy this great family film. Adam is a normal kid, except for the fact that his dad is Bigfoot. Now that Bigfoot has been revealed to the world, he is more famous than ever. But rather than wanting to use this fame for money, Jim is wanting to find a way to improve the world. When a non-profit messages him and asks for help saving their land in Alaska, he knows just what he needs to do.
Bigfoot Family Review: (Contains Light Spoilers)
–Why Watch Bigfoot Family-
Bigfoot Family is family friendly movie with a fair amount of heart. The major points have lessons about being there for your family and environmental issues. Despite the environmental aspect of the story, it doesn’t have an overly political agenda. The goal is simply to save a portion of land in Alaska. The characters are very relatable and understandable. All of this comes together to tell a good, fun story.
-Is Bigfoot Family appropriate?-
There are a few adult jokes in the movie, but none of it is overtly inappropriate. One characters discusses blowing up his foster home with a bomb as a kid, really disliked them using that as a joke. During a kissing scene, Adam’s feet bust out of his shoes, which is suggestive, but not inherently inappropriate and should fly right over kids heads. Besides these, there is some cartoonish violence (some towards the main kid and animals) but nothing else stands out. You know your kids and their tolerance levels best, but we would suggest this movie for 7+.
Continue reading for more of our Bigfoot Family Review.

The plot of Bigfoot Family takes some fun unexpected turns. We start with Bigfoot on a media blitz telling his story about how he became Bigfoot. During his appearance, he gets noticed by a business mogul who tries to convince him to get into show business. Bigfoot’s heart is in trying to improve the world, which takes him to Alaska to help save the land. During all of this, Bigfoot’s son, Adam, is simply wanting to spend more time with him. He helps edit his dad’s videos to get them more views. But when something goes wrong in Alaska, Adam and the family make a trip to help find his dad again.
The story does a good job at having a clear through line, while also having some twists and turns throughout. There are several side plots with Adam and his relationships and the animal side kicks. Overall, this movie is a great watch where the plot is interesting and carried a long very well by it’s dynamic and relatable characters.
Everyone in the Bigfoot family has a good heart and in one way or another is quite relatable. Adam is a teen who is having difficulty with his dad being away so much while also learning how to interact with his mother respectably. On top of all of that, he is also learning how to interact with his crush.
Bigfoot is a person who has recently stumbled into a bit of fame, but is trying to remain humble and using his status to improve the earth. The mom, who has been living much of her parenting life as a single parent, is trying to find the new balance as her husband comes back into their lives and her son enters his teen years.
The other side characters also add a lot of depth to the story, the family animals add a lot of comedy and heart as they fight for their family (and for the credit of doing so). The movie also does a good job at having a despicable villain who you consistently want to see be taken down by the Bigfoot family. All combined, this movie has some fantastic characters and uses them to tell a heart-filled story about personal and social responsibility.
Continue reading for our Bigfoot Family Discussion Questions

Bigfoot Family Discussion Questions
- If you were given the opportunity to be famous or do something good for the world, which would you pick?
- What is something you can do to start helping the world right now?
- If you could have one of the animals as a pet, which would you pick?
- Why didn’t Adam want Bigfoot to go to Alaska?
- What lessons did Adam learn from his family in this movie?
Thank you for reading our Bigfoot Family Review.
Before you go, check out these other posts:
-Other Family Friendly Netflix Suggestions
–The Son of Bigfoot: Adam goes on a journey to find his long lost father, Bigfoot.
–Onward Review: A post-medieval fantasy world in which two brothers go on an adventure to find their father.
–Wonder Park: Animated film about the importance of love and imagination
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