World Monster Wrestling-Is the Rumble Movie Worth Watching?

Rumble Movie Review written by the Ent on December 15th, 2021This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog. 

Know Before You Watch

Movie: Rumble
Rating: PG
Genre: Children, Animated, Sports, Drama
Length: 1 hr 44 mins
Age suggested : 7 and up
Release Date: December 15th, 2021
Streaming Service: Paramount Plus
Warnings: Cartoon violence (Wrestling), Death of a parent, mild rude humor

Quick Rumble Movie Summary

Winnie wants to dive into the family business. What is the family business? Just World Monster Wrestling. Winnie’s father, Jimbo Coyle is one of the most famous managers in the history of the sport. Jimbo, as well as the monster he manages, Rayburn Sr. are no longer able to compete and it is up to Winnie to carry on her father’s legacy. She is faced with opposition after oppostion because she is young, she is a girl, and she doesn’t have any experience. Can Winnie find and train a monster to protect her family’s legacy?

Rumble Movie Review:  (May Contain Spoilers)

Is the Rumble Movie Worth Watching?

Rumble provides a fun, yet fairly predictable story of an underdog character along with her clumsy, yet secretly brilliant fighter. It starts pretty heavily in the world of wrestling, which may be a bit of a turn off for those who aren’t a fan of wrestling, but then quickly hooks you with an emotionally gripping plot line. This happens when Winnie is forced to fight for her late father’s legacy. The visuals are quite fun and the monsters are very imaginative and aesthetically intriguing.

The characters in Rumble are by far the highlight. Winnie plays a great pwerhouse of a character with her tenacity and perseverance through any obstacle thrown her way. This is perfectly opposed by Steve, a monster who feels he can’t live up to his expected legacy. Along with the chemistry of these two characters, there are several other people and creatures that provide for a very interesting watch. Overall, the characters push the plot from being a relatively straight-forward plot to an emotionally interesting story.

-Is Rumble Appropriate?-

Rumble’s main plot revolves around characters wrestling as professionals and amateurs. This obviously leads to quite a bit of cartoon violence. Overall, the violence level remains fairly innocent and cartoonish. There is no blood, bruising, broken bones, or anything of the like.

Another warning is that Winnie and Steve’s character arch is all about handling the death of their respective fathers. Although this happens several years prior, it could still be very triggering for young viewers who aren’t mature enough to handle this or have personally experienced this sort of loss.

Lastly, there are quite a few little crude jokes. One of note is when Winnie tells Steve to ‘hit him in the tentacles”, Steve looks towards his opponent’s groin area and says, “just to clarify, you said ‘tentacles’, right?” This is probably the most blatant reference, but there are a few of these kinds of childish jokes throughout the film.

-Favorite Quote(s): might be turned into images-

I don’t understand. We’ve got the right music playing and everything. You should be getting better.

Rumble Discussion Questions

Themes to Discuss: Perseverance, Legacy, Opposition, Athletics, Grief

  1. How did Winnie and Steve react differently to their father’s legacies? Why do you think this is?
  2. If you could be any of the monsters from the film, which would you be and why?
  3. Why did Tentacular turn his back on the city of Stoker?
  4. Have you ever watched wrestling before? What did you think of this movie’s portrayal of wrestling?
  5. What do you expect happens to Winnie and Steve after the ending of the movie?

Thanks for reading our Rumble Movie Review. Before you go, check out these other posts:

Streaming Suggestions (Including Paramount Plus)

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