Downton Abbey: A New Era written by the Elf on May25th, 2022. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Know Before You Watch Downton Abbey 2: A New Era
Movie: Downton Abbey: A New Era
Rating: PG
Genre: Historical Drama
Length: 2 hours and 5 minutes
Age suggested: 8+ (only because there are long scenes that might bore younger viewers)
Release Date: May 20th, 2022
Warnings: Parental death is a theme heavily discussed because of the main plotline of inheritance. Cancer is also discussed. Foster/Adoptive parents and guardians should be aware that there is also a lot of legitimate vs illegitimate heir discussions. There is no violence, death, or sexual scenes that are anymore intense than anything you might have seen in the show! It’s a fairly tame movie.
Quick Downton Abbey: A New Era Summary
Picking up a couple of years after the 2019 Downton Abbey movie left off, Downton Abbey is headed into the 1930’s. And the estate needs some tender loving care to make it. Mary is currently at the helm and decides to let a movie be made at Downton. And while that is happening, the rest of the family is investigating why Lady Violet inherited a villa in the South of France, which might be fun since people are starting to vacation over the warmer summer months. It’s another fantastic movie made for the fans.

Downton Abbey 2: A New Era Review:
-Can I watch a Downton Abbey Movie if I’ve Never Seen the Series Before?:
YES! If you see the movie in the theater, there is a short video before the movie to catch you up on both the series and the first movie. Maybe it’s been a minute since you’ve seen it, or you’ve never seen it. And while we think it’s good enough to catch up on or re-watch, you can see it without watching or re-watching the originals. We’ve got a five minute re-cap of the original series here as well and a re-cap of the first Downton Abbey movie right here.
–Why Watch Downton Abbey: A New Era-
There are so many great reasons to watch Downton Abbey 2! Even if you have not seen the show, or it has been a long time, you can still enjoy the movies! This movie was intentionally made to offer some happy hope right now. It’s a beautiful, historical, drama that is a wonderful reprieve from the heaviness of life right now. The movie team specifically made this for the fans, so if you are a fan of the show we are quite sure that you will enjoy this one.
-Our Favorite Parts of Downton Abbey 2-
It is always fun to see a movie or show set within a movie. Hearing Violet’s commentary on actors is so fun! Because the movie was titled a new era, it was also fun seeing more of the kids in this one! My very favorite thing was the parallel between Violet and Mary. Mary is tempted, much like Violet was. And it really highlights the strengths of both of their characters. I said this about the first movie, but it is just SO wonderful to see Anna and Bates as well as Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes being happy and healthy.
There was a clever scene where Maud Bagshaw and Mr. Carson are mistaken as a married couple- which was even funnier if you knew that they are married off screen! There’s a lot of pushing and manipulating as usual, my favorite moment of this was Daisy bringing together the characters who are essentially her parent figures. And as far as new characters, Hugh Dancy as the director and Dominic West as the famous Hollywood actor were wonderful! And the ending with Violet still looking over her family was very touching. There are too many moments to note, but those were the highlights for me. What about you?

Downton Abbey: A New Era Discussion Questions
- If you inherited a villa; what country would you want it to be in?
- Who would you will your villa to?
- What was your favorite character development?
- Who do you wish had gotten more screen time?
- What were the most touching moments?
- What were the funniest moments?
- What did you think was the most significant part of the movie being made at Downton?
Thank for Reading Downton Abbey: A New Era. Before you go, check out these other posts:
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