20 Ways to Encourage Public Servants and Others written by the Elf on 1/23/22. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
20 Ways to Encourage Public Servants and Others
Healthcare workers, Social workers, Teachers, Cleaning techs, Grocery workers, and so many more are still struggling right now and well beyond burnout.
From the customer service industry to community servants… everyone working in any sort of service position is probably having a really tough month. There are too many occupations to list, but anyone you can think of that serves others in any capacity for work could use some encouragement right now. Add to that parents of young children and those that are chronically ill who have faced extra isolation. There is such a large need for encouragement right now. How can we be an encouragement even if we might be struggling ourselves?

We’re going to give you some ideas here, but I want to add something not to do first. Something I’m constantly guilty of myself. Don’t say “Let me know if there’s anything I can do!” It makes the person saying it feel better, but the person hearing it is struggling and that just adds to their plate. Sometimes they don’t know what they need or are not comfortable asking. So instead of that, offer something practical and don’t be offended if they say no thank you. But definitely ask first before just showing up!
Here’s some ideas to encourage public servants (or anyone really!) for you. Please share this if it was useful to you and let us know in the comments if you’ve done something else encouraging!
1) Say thank you. Way more than necessary.
To everyone. A thank you can go a long way. Especially if the situation is frustrating and you are not feeling appreciative.
2) Show over the top grace.
You get cut off, order gets cancelled or is wrong, the teacher doesn’t send home the right paper. Show grace. Lots of it. Assume that whoever you are talking to has had a miserable day and your interaction with them could make their whole day. Be kind. Be gracious. It takes a lot of good character to be gracious in the face of cruelty, irritability, and emergencies- and that’s exactly what hospital employees, social workers, teachers, waitstaff and more are doing and dealing with right now.
3) Listen without trying to fix, one up, or brush away their problems and concern.
Listening, just to listen. Just to sit and be there with someone is a difficult thing. But it’s a good and helpful practice. Especially when and if you don’t necessarily agree with them. When we are trying to encourage public servants especially, it’s hard to understand their perspective and what they are going through without listening.
One mom’s honest feelings about a new pandemic wave
4) Generic letters
People are desperately in need of encouragement right now. Hospital staff, from the custodians to the Dr.’s. Teachers. Small business owners. A great way to encourage public servants, or anyone in a service position right now, is just to write or speak simple encouragements right now. Just a ‘thanks for showing up and smiling today’ could absolutely make a day.
5) Personal letters or notes
A personal letter or note of encouragement can go such a long way. I got a personal note of encouragement, it was one sentence long, from someone I work with this week and it absolutely made my whole day. A lot of teachers and nurses have a feel good file- a collection of happy notes from patients and students they can look back on when they need a smile.

6) Public encouragement
Encouraging someone publicly, in person or on social media is great. Sharing something generic for everyone is super great also! One of the most fun things during lockdown was walking down the street and seeing all the encouraging chalk messages.
7) Provide a break
Breaks are so needed right now. A five minute break, a night out. You could also help make breaks greater! What can you contribute to the nurses or teachers break room?! So many options to help here. And what a great way to encourage public servants by telling them that they deserve rest and a good break.
8) Be intentional about not overloading
We know that grocery stores are struggling with both supply and staff right now, so try ordering groceries or visiting the store on an unpopular day and time. Instead of trying to order your groceries for a Saturday or Sunday. We know the hospitals and dr.’s are overloaded right now, and while I would never suggest avoiding the dr or Er- maybe don’t try to fry a turkey right now or doing any number of other things with a high probability of you needing medical or first responder care afterwards. Understand that everyone is overloaded right now.
9) Share a laugh
When we do not feel like we could possibly laugh, there is almost no more welcome gift than a laugh. And who doesn’t need a good laugh right now?! When I just don’t know what or how to share, a super cheesy joke is a good substitute sometimes. *Just make sure you aren’t beating someone down with your comedy*
10) Volunteer virtually
So much is virtual right now. Organizations and people can use a lot of digital help! Plus, you can volunteer time doing things like typing up cards for kids in the hospitals or people in nursing homes. Check out what you can do locally to help out digitally! A great way to encourage public servants is to uplift and encourage the people they are working with or helping to aide their causes.

11) Sing/ share a song or dance party
Physical brain breaks make a difference to our stress levels and our ability to cope with hard days. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy watching someone have a dance break in their car at a light?! Share a song that’s been encouraging you, or a funny one! Sing, dance, whatever you can wherever you can.
12) Compliment people randomly
Compliments are underrated! Start making a habit out of handing out compliments. Especially when people are burnt out or they deal with angry people all the time, a compliment can go a long way. Particularly compliments that are not just external- like ‘you’re a genius’ and ‘I so appreciate your effort!’
13) Write a super kind review
Most of the notes to small businesses, to teachers, and even to healthcare workers are negative or complaining. A kind review of someone’s performance or business really does matter. It’s a big deal to get a new good review. People and businesses of all kinds need your positive reviews!
14) Do something within your capacity…
What is physically within your capability to help someone with? Mow someone’s lawn, drop off groceries, take the kids to the park, listen for an hour. It’s an often overlooked form of helping someone. When we encourage public servants it doesn’t have to be a big showy or financial thing.
15) Share something positive
Share a funny meme, a good and easy recipe, a happy pet picture. Make it a point to share compliments all day! It doesn’t have to be complicated. Anything to crack a smile. Smiles are contagious and it’s great to share that with someone.

16) Share what you can
Someone recently shared some 5 layer masks with me, which enabled me to give a couple to a social worker. It’s tempting to hoard things, time, and talent particularly when you feel out of control. But evaluate what you have more than enough of, what can you share? Comedian Kristina Kuzmic talks about how when she was crushed financially and emotionally and felt like she had nothing left, making dinner for her neighbors out of dollar general ingredients helped her as much as it helped others.
17) Feed them
When you’re beyond exhausted, or missing paychecks, planning and making meals can be miserable. It’s so great to have someone order dinner for you, or bring you a dessert! They say food brings people together after all, right? One way to encourage public servants and others is by helping to feed them and their people.
18) Giftcards
Giftcards are super convenient for giver and recipient! For people who are stressed out, exhausted, and or sick a giftcard for food can help them make it through the day.
19) Gifts
Things you gift can be personal or generic! Even little gifts can totally make someone’s day.
20) Donate
There are a million ways to donate. Financially to non-profits helping out restaurants, small businesses, and those trying to change the laws. But beyond that, you can donate your time, donate to specific projects, and more. Look around and think about what is needed. Here are two practical example. 1) The family visit rooms at the local CPS office needs new foam mats and toys for their family visit rooms. 2) Nurses often can use little thoughtful things like coffee and a break, but also very practical things- like small dry erase markers and pens for their lanyards.

Thanks for checking out our post on 20 ways to encourage public servants and others,
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