Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Episode and Discussion Guide Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 4 of The Rings of Power article written by the Elf and the Hobbit on September 17th, 2022. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
The Rings of Power Episode 4 Information-
Show: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Episode Guide
Episode: Season 1 Episode 4- The Great Wave
Episode 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 Reviews
Air Date: 9/16/22
Streaming Service: Amazon Prime Video
(Available to Amazon Prime Subscribers)
Length: 70 minutes
Rating: TV-14
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
Warnings: This episode has quite a bit more exposition and story than the first two. Still there are some moments that might scare younger viewers. There are scenes where orcs are hunting a child and scenes with visions of great and destructive floods.
Quick Season 1 Episode 4 of The Rings of Power Summary:
In season 1 episode 4 of The Rings of Power we stay with three storylines. What is going on in Numenor, down in Khazad Dum, and the Southlands. Elrond and Durin have a really good conversation and Elrond is able to encourage Durin in a unique way. In Numenor we find out that there is more to Halbrand than meets the eye and he advises Galadriel about how to proceed politically. And in the Southlands, an unexpected reunion and also a threat- pledge loyalty to Adar or die. There is more story than action in this episode that sets up future events. There are also some really breathtaking shots and cinematography.
Discussion Questions for S1 Ep4 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
- Does being a ruler affect how you live out your beliefs?
- What can Galadriel teach us about holding back what we want to say being slow to get angry?
- It does appear some of the people in the southlands are still, after thousands of years, loyal to Sauron. Why do you think that is?
- What was the top scene for you emotionally in this episode?
- We are seeing happy relationships and unhealthy ones. What is marking the happy ones?
Our Commentary on Season 1 Episode 4 of The Rings of Power
Episode four has three threads: Numenor, Khazad Dûm, and the Southlands. The series is taking time to really flesh out what is occurring and I think all the exposition will pay off.
Middle Earths Battle Ground
The southlands. We meet Adar. A deeply troubled elf? Anyway, he sends Arondir back to the watchtower with a “serve me or die” message. And it is confirmed that the orcs are looking for the hilt Theo carries-and that it has tied to Sauron. And Bronwyn and Arondir are finally reunited!! (Although I’m wondering if not knowing what’s going on with Theo might not be one or both of their downfalls.)
Numenor and The Great Waves
We get a glimpse of Pharazon’s oratory. We see a palantir and we see a vision of what will eventually happen to Numenor based on the books. The queen finally decides to help Galadriel. The other thing that you might not know if haven’t read about the second age is that Elendil’s family is a really big deal. Not only do they create new kingdoms but they are significant in the battle for the ring. And Earien was a new character created for the series- super excited to see that character development!!

Elrond and Durin, etc. We find out the dwarves have discovered mithril. There are two really good scenes. One is Celebrimbor and Elrond. They are discussing what Elrond’s father once told Celebrinbor. And his dad comes up again as Elrond stands besides an angry Durin to remind him to treasure what time he has with his father.
No Harfoots this week. So far they and the Elrond-Durin dynamic are my favorites. We still do not know who The Stranger is or if we’ve been introduced to Sauron yet! What was your favorite part?
Check out our other episode guides for Episode 1, Episode 2, and Episode 3 of The Rings of Power
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