Is The Rings of Power Safe for Kids? Season 1 Episode 3 of The Rings of Power article written by the Elf and the Hobbit on September 11th, 2022. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Episode 3 Guide
Keep reading for more on if The Rings of Power is safe for kids to watch…
Episode 3 Background Info
Show: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
Episode: Season 1 Episode 3 Adar
Air Date: September 9th, 2022
Streaming Service: Amazon Prime Video
(Available to Amazon Prime Subscribers – You Can Subscribe Today)
Length: 70 minutes
Rating: TV-14
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
Warnings: There’s a really intense and violent sequence when the people and elves are trying to escape their enslavement by the orcs. Keep reading for more on if The Rings of Power is safe for kids.
You can also find our thoughts on Episode 1 and Episode 2 of The Rings of Power
Quick Season 1 Episode 3 of The Rings of Power Summary:
Nori’s friendship with the Stranger might jeopardize her family, but he might also be able to help them. Who is the Stranger?! The island of Numenor is breathtaking but more is going on than meets the eye. They are extremely hostile to Galadrial’s presence. We meet some new characters that have significant impact in the second age. And then there is a great heartache for Arondil and all those enslaved by the orcs in the Southlands. Middle Earth is separated along many fault lines and everyone is anxious for control.
3 Discussion Questions for S1 Ep1 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
1) Which characters do you want to see more of?
2) Why do you think there is so much distrust in between all the groups of Middle Earth (and Numenor)
3) Elendil and his children were introduced. What did you think about their relationship and response to the newcomers?
Is The Rings of Power Safe for Kids?
Will the Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power be appropriate for kids to watch? It will depend on the kid but we do have a few things to consider. This is a drama, so there are a lot of really long scenes and a lot of character and world building. And while it seems a lot more appropriate than Game of Thrones at this point, we do not know what the rest of the seasons will look like. And it’s hard to start something with kids and a few episodes in, say ‘whoops, nevermind you can’t watch this.’
The level of gore and violence so far is fairly in line with what we saw in the first three movies. There are jump scares and very violent fights. You also see a lot of gore and blood. It could be a lot more violent and bloody than it is, it seems that they will focus a little more on characters and less on the battles than the movies did. Is the Rings of Power Safe for Kids? We suggest taking the TV-14 rating seriously.
Our Commentary on Season 1 Episode 3 of The Rings of Power
Episode three begins by introducing us to Numenor. It is amazing! However, we are clearly in the latter days of the island kingdom, as elves are not welcome and have not visited it in a long time. This is confirmed by Galadriel and Halbrand’s rescuer being none other than Elendil.
So what is Numenor? The island was a gift from the Valar—divine beings—to Men after the defeat of Morgoth, Middle-Earth’s oldest Big Bad. Their first king was Elros, Elrond’s brother, who chose the way of Men rather than the way of Elves.
Nori and the Stranger:

Nori is still trying to help the stranger, but is caught when he stumbles into their camp (a nice comic scene with Poppy precedes this). The harfoot group is ready to leave them all behind. However, with her dad’s leg broken, it looks like the Stranger might provide the means for her family to stay with the others as they travel.
This was the hardest part of the episode to watch. Masses of people and elves have been enslaved by the orcs and are being forced to dig their trenches and look for something. They are also being slaughtered. What are they looking for? It could be the sword that Theo discovered. But it might also be a weapon or something else we haven’t been introduced to yet.
The Villains:
I think my biggest question at the end of this episode was where are we going to see the villains? We now know that Adar will be one of them, and that he is apparently heading up the tunneling and takeover of the Southlands. But where/ or who is Sauron?! As a part of the lore- Sauron could take on different forms and be quite enchanting. Have we already glimpsed him and will he even be unveiled in this first season?
We did not see anything else about Elrond, Prince Durin, or Bronwyn and the fleeing Southlanders in this episode. (Probably because introducing Numenor is such a big deal.) We are still dealing with a lot of exposition, but did have some action this week. Production values are off the charts. Take away at this point is that there is a lot of disunity, fear, distrust. And evil is taking advantage of it. And there will be surprises, I am sure, next week.
Thanks for reading our Is The Rings of Power Safe for Kids? Season 1 Episode 3 of The Rings of Power article!
You can also find our thoughts on Episode 1 and Episode 2 of The Rings of Power
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