Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie Quotes, Parent Review, + Movie Vs. Book!

Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie Quotes by the Elf and the Ent. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog. 

Know Before You Watch Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie

Movie: Harold and the Purple Crayon
Rating: PG
Genre: Adventure, Childrens, Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 32 mins.
Age suggested: 5 and up (see our warnings and parent review for more context)
Release Date: August 2nd, 2024
Order the Harold and the Purple Crayon movie here
Warnings: Loss of family members, some scary creatures and mild fantasy violence

Grab the Harold and the Purple Crayon book here and activity book here.

Quick Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie Summary

Based on The Book of the Same Name, the Harold and the Purple Crayon movie imagines what it would be like for Harold to escape his book and come into the real world. Powerful book characters jumping into the real world causes a whole lot of fun chaos. Check out our Harold and the Purple Crayon movie quotes, parent review, and book vs. movie analysis below!

Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie Discussion Questions

  1. What was the funniest moment to you? Which character did you think was the funniest?
  2. Which animals would you mash up?
  3. What would you draw first with a magical purple crayon?
  4. How important is it for us to believe in ourselves and encourage our friends?
  5. Both Harold and Gary are very creative. In what ways are they similar and how are they different?

***Spoilers & More Below***
Harold and the Purple Crayon movie quotes, parent review, and book comparison below.

Crayons are for everywhere. Harold and the Purple Crayon movie quote.

Is It a Safe Watch for Kids? Harold and the Purple Crayon Parent Review


Harold and the Purple Crayon definitely plays into the innocence of the original character at the beginning of the movie. Although he does go through some sadder moments, that overall vibe continues throughout most of the film. There are a few scary creatures, but most are shown in the trailer. There is also a fantasy battle with some mild peril and violence that may be too intense for very young viewers.

The emotional crux of the movie is presented as we learn that Mel’s father has recently passed and his family is left processing this loss. Near the end of the film, we find out that Harold’s author has also passed away, which leaves Harold in a sad, depressive state as everything he has ever drawn slowly dissipates (including his friends Moose and Porcupine). And it does have a happy ending.

The Harold and the Purple Crayon movie is, overall, a very kid friendly movie. My biggest complaint was that the librarian was the villain and a little bit of misogyny at the end that was actually wrapped up nicely in the credits scene. It’s not the most endearing children’s book movie, but it is a fun and cute summer movie that can be an inspiring watch.

Favorite Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie Quotes

“Once there was a boy named who went on an adventure and he took his purple crayon with him.” – Narrator

“The world got bigger and so did his imagination” – Narrator

“The real world is constipated and who knows what that means!” – Moose

“Dad always said ‘When people need help, we help.'” – Mel

“When you’re young you have lots of dreams, but then the world kicks it out of you” – Terry

“I’m going to triple lock the door.” – Terry

“It’s going to be great!” “Statistically, what does that mean?” -Mel and Moose

“With that crayon, I can show them my world!” – Gary

“Honestly I don’t do a lot of thinking. I’m more of an improv guy.” – Harold

“You always hated that job. Maybe now you can find something that makes you happy.” – Harold

“I did always want to trash this place.” – Terry

“Crayons are for everywhere. I can’t wait to see what you make.” – Porcupine

“You know who I learned that from? A lady that hit us with her car.” – Harold

“When someone makes a story, they create a whole world. Usually they stay there.” – Gary

“It’s what your crayon is made from, the most powerful stuff on earth… Pure Imagination.” – Gary

“I’m a porcupine. I’ve never done anything before.” – Porcupine

“You can’t use the crayon all by yourself.” – Gary

“I’m just a dumb drawing drawing other dumb drawings.” – Harold

“The real world is nothing like I imagined it.” – Harold

“I just wanted a place where I belonged. I wanted my world to be real” – Harold

“I don’t trust Gary. Something’s wrong.” – Mel

“I’m a creative person. I create worlds.” – Gary

“I really feel like I’m too far down this path to quit now.” – Gary

“You made things a lot better. You believed in me.” – Mel

“I believe in me and I believe in my friends.” – Harold

“I wonder what the Old Man would have said if he could see me now.” “I think he would’ve been proud of you.” – Harold and Terry

“With a little imagination you can make your life whatever you want to be.” – Harold

“We only have so much time in this world, but we leave our mark in the lives we change.” – Harold

“Life isn’t just something that happens to you, it something you create.” – Harold

-Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie Quotes-

Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie Vs Book

The movie opens with the book. And it follows the book pretty closely at the very beginning and the very end. But this movie is not a reimagining of the book. It’s an extension. What would happen if the characters did not stop with the end of the book? What if they escaped into the real world? Here are three similarities and three differences between the Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie and Book.


  1. Both the movie and book emphasize the importance of creativity and imagination.
  2. Both the movie and book show Harold using creative problem solving skills and self determination.
  3. Both the movie and the book are joyful and fun.


  1. The book really focuses on Harold and the reader. Whereas the movie has multiple characters.
  2. The book has a very timeless and straightforward plot and color scheme. Whereas the movie was busier, with a more complex plot.
  3. The focus of the book is both the comfort of home and the excitement of creating. Whereas the main focus of the movie is creativity and dealing with grief and loss.
Thanks for reading our Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie Quotes and Parent Review. Check out our reviews for these movies that are like the Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie:

-A movie about dealing with loss and challenge with imaginary friends: The IF Movie

The Imaginary movie on Netflix: A Story of imaginary friends going on an emotional journey!

Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile: Another picture book to big screen movie!

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1 thought on “Harold and the Purple Crayon Movie Quotes, Parent Review, + Movie Vs. Book!”

  1. Thanks for such a thorough write-up! I had never heard of this kid book but love the quotes and think I’d probably be more a fan of the book versus movie.

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