The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 1 Recap by the Elf. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
The Rings of Power season 2 is finally here! For a recap of season 1, check out this post. Season 2 opens where 1 left off. In the first episode, we primarily focus on Elrond and Galadriel- and the three rings.
We’ll do a quick recap of the episode, followed by discussion questions and a parent review. The series has gotten darker and more violent as it goes on and season 2 is not an exception to that. Check out our parent review guide for The Rings of Power here.
We do not see what is happening with the Dwarves, Harfoots, Men (that are not enslaved in Mordor), or Numenor in season 2 episode 1.
What happens to the Elves in The Rings of Power Season 2 episode 1 recap.
Elrond and Galadriel disagree about what to do with the three rings. So they bring them to the high king, who agrees with Galadriel that they must try them to save their people and all of Middle Earth. Elrond grabs the rings and runs away with them to a mentor. And while the mentor originally goes to toss the rings in the ocean, he changes his mind and brings them back. Becoming the third wearer of the elven rings, next to Galadriel and the high king.
What happens to Sauron in The Rings of Power Season 2 episode 1 recap.
Season 1 starts out with Galadriel’s backstory and season 2 starts with some of Sauron’s. We see that after the defeat of Morgoth, he tried to take over the Orcs and was thwarted by Adar. The evil form was not killed though, and he eventually reconstituted and took over a body to become Halbrand.
Sauron goes into Mordor and surrenders to Adar AS Halbrand. Claiming to have information on Sauron so that they don’t immediately kill him. We’ve wanted to see the downfall of Waldrof for a long time, and Halbrand tells him that he will kill him when Adar releases him. We don’t know exactly what Sauron’s plan is at this point.

What happens to Gandalf and Nori in The Rings of Power Season 2 episode 1 recap.
(I’m assuming The Stranger is Gandalf until proven wrong) They are traveling, but feel like they’ve been going in circles. The Stranger notices that they are being followed. Poppy is one of the people following them- yay! So they are reunited and Poppy is able to direct them, as a mapreader. And another yay- they have to mention the walking song again. One of my favorite parts of season one.
Discussion Questions for The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 1:
-What would you do with the three rings? (If you did not know anything about what would happen later)
-Why did Galadriel and Elrond not disclose Sauron’s identity to everyone immediately?
-What was your favorite and least favorite part of this episode?
-What characters are you most looking forward to seeing this season?
Favorite Quotes from The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 1.
“The tide of fate are flowing. Your may be flowing in…or out.” -Halbrand
“If I die, all that I know dies with me.” – Halbrand
“It is quite alright for a Harfoot to miss home.” – The Stranger
“Strange how that which is left behind can be the heaviest burden to carry.” – The Stranger
“Perhaps wizards are not always fair.” -The Stranger
“I knew it would be hard. But, well, this hard is different.” -Nori
“Come on, what are you waiting for? This is only the beginning!” -Nori

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–LOTR: The Rings of Power Season 1 Recap
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