Rings of Power Season 2 Finale Recap: Episode 8 is Epic

The Rings of Power Season 2 finale Recap by the Elf. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog. 


The Rings of Power season 2 finale recap is here! Season 2 episode 8 was awesome. I was amazed by how much they fit into this episode. There were so many epic scenes and somehow they caught us up with every major character.

SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Season 2 episode 7 here. Check out the behind the scenes season 2 wrap up here.

What happens at Eregion in The Rings of Power Season 2 finale recap?

Eregion is completely overtaken. Galadriel stays to help people escape. And gives herself up so that more can be saved. Celebrimbor is tortured and killed by Sauron, who is trying to find the last rings. (I did not think the rings would all be forged and Celebrimbor would be dead by the end of season 2!) I was so glad that they gave Celebrimbor an epic ending. After having been manipulated all season, he breaks out of the fog and prophecies that Sauron will be ruined by the rings.

Then Adar GIVES BACK Galadriel her ring. What?!?!?! Because she agrees to help him destroy Sauron. But then the Orcs turn against Adar and murder him while Sauron looks on, in his new form. Sauron then orders the orcs to kill everyone in Eregion except for the leaders. Galadriel and Sauron finally face off. And yay!! We see Galadriel be incredible again. She fights so well, but Sauron is able to stab her and steal the 9 rings. But she resists Sauron’s manipulation at the end and jumps off a cliff instead of giving him her ring.

Galadriel, Elrond, the High King, and Erondir have survived the battle. They all have new scars and perspectives. They look out over all of the elves that have survived the battle over Eregion and decide that Middle Earth is worth fighting for.

What happens to the dwarves in The Rings of Power Season 2 finale recap?

King Durin goes down to the mine and starts to break the wall and is followed by Prince Durin. The King awakens the balrog and is killed as he tries to take the monster back down to the depths it came from. He asks his son for forgiveness and tells him that he is the king now. Princess Disa and soldiers arrive to pull out Prince Durin out of the mine. But what happens to King Durin’s ring? He took it off before attacking the balrog. (This all happened before the opening credits- wow!)

The dwarves arrive at Eregion finally to save the day!! They quickly start to overtake the orcs. Eregion has fallen but the survivors are safe. The army returns and informs Prince Durin that they were successful but late. Durin tells them to send word to Elrond that they are willing to help again. Disa reminds him that there are struggles of their own, the other dwarf kings are demanding payment and the Balrog is awake. They are also told that Durin’s brother and other lords want to overthrow him for the kingship.

What happens in Numenor in The Rings of Power Season 2 finale recap?

Pharazon takes over by force. Claiming that Miriel and any of the faithful working with her are working with Sauron. Elendil’s daughter actually helps him escape, which surprised me.

Soldiers sailed to Middle Earth to establish an outpost and build a massive boat fleet. Kemen finds Isildur and sends him back to Numenor alone, even though Estrid was willing to go with him.

lotr Rings of power season 2 finale recap. Episode 8 instagram image with Galadriel and the High King.

What happens with the Orcs in The Rings of Power Season 2 episode 8 recap finale.

Adar agrees to work with Galadriel. Even going so far as to give back her ring, but as the orcs said right before they murdered him. It was too late. Sauron seizes control of the orcs and destroys any dream they had of quietly returning to Mordor. Sauron very blatantly does not care for the Uruk people like Adar did.

What happens in Pelargir with Theo and Isildur in The Rings of Power Season 2 finale recap?

Theo decides to stay in Pelargir and Isildur packs for Numenor. Estrid confesses that she loves Isildur and is willing to run away with him. But it is too late because Numenor troops have arrived to inform the colony that they are being taken over by soldiers of Numenor. And are now expected to cut down a lot of trees to build a massive boat fleet.

What happens with Nori, Poppy, and The Stranger in The Rings of Power Season 2 finale recap?

The dark wizard destroys the town that Poppy and Nori have found shelter in. And almost destroys them. But the Stranger saves them. Poppy and Nori decide to help the halflings migrate and to part ways with The Stranger. The Stranger finds a staff and his name, GANDALF! Yay!

Gandalf returns to find Tom Bombadil and asks him if it was a test. If he, Gandalf, was meant to choose friendship over power before discovering his staff and destiny.

The End of Season 2 Episode 8 Recap Finale

Here’s where we find the main characters in the season 2 finale.

Isildur heads to Numenor alone. Captain Elendil agrees to part with Miriel, the Queen Regent and ride for the other side of Numenor to find more of the faithful. Miriel gives him the elven sword Narsil (we see this sword a lot later one!) Miriel is arrested and brought before Pharazon. And Kemen is in Middle Earth creating a Numenorien outpost.

King Durin is gone and has left a mountain of tension in his wake. Prince Durin is faced with being overthrown, the greater threat of Sauron, and the security of the mountain. In the season 2 finale we see Durin glance over at his fathers ring.

Poppy and Nori help the other halflings to migrate. The Stranger realizes that he is Gandalf and goes back to see Tom Bombadil. We do not find out who the dark wizard is.

Sauron easily overthrows Adar, murders him, and takes control of the orcs. After an epic battle with Galadriel he retreats.

Elrond, the High King, and Arondir (yay for being alive!) come to try to revive Galadriel. Elrond picks up her ring and puts it on to save her. They discuss whether to fall back or to bring the fight to Sauron.

That’s the end of our Rings of Power Season 2 finale recap. Keep reading for discussion questions and quotes. Episode 8 was jam packed with epic moments. We bid farewell to some series favorites and wonder what’s to come for the next six seasons.

Discussion Questions for The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 Finale:

-What surprised you most about this episode?
-What losses hit the hardest this season?
-How did the end of this season make you feel?
-Which characters are you hoping to see more of next season?
-There were multiple intense and epic moments in this episode, which did you think was the most powerful?

The Rings of Power season 2 finale recap image pin. 'Some things are lost and all we can do is build something new' Poppy quote from s2 ep 8

Favorite Quotes from The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 Finale

“It’s the ring. It has him. Mind and soul” – Princess Disa

“You pitty him whose blade was at your throat? ‘Yes’ (-Poppy) Pity will not defeat Sauron.” – Dark Wizard

“I would sooner walk this desert forevermore, nameless and forgotten.” – The Stranger

“Your only craft treachery. So pure that it shall betray the very hand that forges it.” Celebrimbor

“The free peoples of Middle Earth will always resist you.” – Galadriel

“Some things lost are lost forever. No matter how hard we fight. How much it hurts or how
much our hearts yearn to put them back together.” – Poppy

“This world is so much bigger than any of us. Sometimes the winds blowing against us are just too strong… What’s broke is broke and won’t fix. And all anybody can do is try to build something new.” – Poppy

“We’re very different creatures, Nori, when all is said and done.” “Not so different if you
ask me.” – The Stranger and Nori

“I was meant to choose friendship over power. I was meant to help them.” -Gandalf

“A wizard does not find his staff. It finds him. Like his name.” – Tom Bombadil

The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes -Season 2 Finale Quotes

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