The Imaginary Quotes and Review by the Ent. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Know Before You Watch
Movie: The Imaginary
Rating: PG
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
Length: 1 hr. 49 mins.
Age suggested: 8 and up**
Streaming Service: Netflix
Release Date: July 5th, 2024 (in the US)
Warnings: Scary, intense scenes. Lots of discussion of grief and loss, death of imaginary friends and loved ones. **For more context, see our “Is The Imaginary Appropriate?” section below
The Imaginary Summary
Based on The Book of the Same Name, The Imaginary follows Amanda and Rudger. Amanda is a little girl struggling with some recent grief and Rudger is her imaginary friend that is helping her. When an accident occurs, Rudger has to figure out what happens to imaginary friends when their child no longer is thinking of them. This introduces Rudger to a deep and full world filled with Imaginaries. As great as this world is, there is a threat to Rudger and all the imaginaries right around the corner.
The Imaginary Review (Spoiler-Free)
The Imaginary is a beautiful movie that ranges from fun and light to deep and mournful. The feel of the movie has a Miyazaki tone to it (Creator of Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, and many more), but it was actually directed by Yoshiyuki Momose. Both Amanda and Rudger are instantly likable and they way the movie introduces the viewer to the characters and the world is spectacular, with big flourishes of creativity and a strong connection between friends.
There are several moments that got me teary eyed in both sweet and sorrowful moments. The storytelling within this film is very well done. There is an absolute creep of a villain and an overarching plot that is sure to wrench at your heart. Overall, although not all audiences may be up to this emotional of a movie, whoever is able to is in for an absolutely beautiful film.
Is The Imaginary Appropriate?
Overall, The Imaginary tells a fantastic story with a fun, imaginative world, but within this world, there are a few scenes and concepts that may not be appropriate for little ones. The villain of the story is a man who is attempting to eat Rudger, an imaginary friend. Alongside him is a creepy little girl who is used to stalk and creep out our protagonists. Overall, this isn’t overly scary, but still may be intense from some.
The main concept of this movie is dealing with grief. Throughout the film, we learn that Amanda created Rudger to help deal with the death of her own father. Also, it is implied that Amanda has died, but we later learn that she is simply in a coma after being hit by a car. We see scenes of deep grief, especially with Amanda’s mother who is trying to process the loss of her husband and the injury of her daughter.
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Favorite The Imaginary Quotes
This is is Amanda. Amanda imagined me and that’s how I was born
Amanda and I made a promise. Whatever happens, never disappear, protect each other, and never cry.
Grown ups who used to be kids call us “Imaginaries”
They say if you see a rainbow after it’s been raining, it’s there to remind you of an important promise.
Perhaps that is why she imagined you, young man. Because you were the answer.
We are made from children’s imaginations and we are their best friends.
We make humans and their world more beautiful.
Libraries let us go anywhere and we can come back any time.
There is something that imagination can never defeat and that is…reality.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. In life, it’s worth believing what one wishes to believe
Amanda, no matter when, no matter what, I’ll always be part of you.
-The Imaginary Quotes
Thanks for reading The Imaginary Quotes and Review. If you enjoyed this movie, you can check out The Book it Was Based on Here!
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