We Feed People Quotes and Why Watch We Feed People by the Elf and the Ent. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
What to Know Before You Watch We Feed People
Movie: We Feed People: The World Central Kitchen Documentary
Rating: TV-14
Genre: Documentary, Humanitarian
Length: 1 hr 29 mins.
Age suggested: 13 and up
Release Date: March 19th, 2022
Streaming Service: Disney Plus
Warnings: Lots of conversation of poverty and natural disasters, but nothing explicit is shown
Short Summary of We Feed People
We Feed People: The World Central Kitchen Documentary discusses the processes and difficulties of the WCK. The film mostly focuses on José Andrés, the found of WCK and follows him during a few of the relief efforts he was involved in (Largely focusing on Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria).
3 Reasons to Watch We Feed People
Reason #1: Seeing Practical Solutions to Common Problems is Empowering
“We are here for a simple mission. To make sure food is an agent of change.”
-We Feed People Quote
So many times it easy to focus on the difficulties and problems of the word. We Feed People does a phenomenal job to showing what the issue is, but focusing on the problem solving and courage needed to face those issues head on. There are so many inspirational people in this film. Despite the fact they are so inspirational, they all come off as just normal people, which makes you realize that you have the ability to make a difference as well.
Reason #2: With the Number of Natural Disasters on the Rise, So the Solutions Must be as well
“We’re in a world now where disasters are happening more frequently. We have Category 5 hurricanes every year now. They used to be once a decade. Wildfires in California now are year round. There used to be a wildfire season, but not anymore.”
-We Feed People Quote
For more details about the increase of natural disaster, Check out this article. The new cycle is so quick that is more important than ever to provide assistance and sustainability to countries and people who are hit the hardest. These action steps lead perfectly to our third reason.
Reason #3: Noted and Immediate Action Steps that You Can Do to Help
“We own the responsibility of feeding the people that have been forgotten. It’s our responsibility”
-We Feed People Quote
The entire story of José Andrés shows that there are many ways to help other who need it. If you are in a position to help with WCK, here is a list of there current open positions. If you are interested in donating to WCK, you can donate here. Besides the direct support of the WCK, there are so many opportunities to help hungry people in your local community as well. If you feel overwhelmed by the idea of researching fresh, we encourage you to check out VolunteerMatch.com.

We Feed People Quotes
We don’t just feed people, we create systems. If we do not have systems we cannot take care of the people.
In a way, they were showing me the path of what World Central Kitchen should be doing.
We are here for a simple mission. To make sure food is an agent of change.
Food is very simple because the mission is very clear. People are hungry and we feed them.
What we create needs to work after we leave
Food is very simple because the mission is very clear. People are hungry. You cook and you feed them
3,000 people died in Puerto Rico, not because of the hurricane, but because of the botched aftermath
He taught me charity seems it’s about the redemption of the giver, when charity should be about the liberation of the receiver.
They call us “Essential Workers”. We work really hard to put a plate of food in their home, and on the table. When sometimes we don’t have that for our selves.
Food needs to be treated like a national security issue.
A child can be the one guiding you to people that need help. And that has value that…you cannot pay.
We own the responsibility of feeding the people that have been forgotten. It’s our responsibility
-We Feed People Quotes
We Feed People Discussion Questions
- What about Jose’s childhood shaped how he works?
- What does Jose’s experience show us about mental health and self care?
- What about Jose’s family surprised you?
- What changed during the pandemic for the organization?
- What was the experience Jose had in Washington DC? Who did he work with at that kitchen?
- What changes would you like to see and how can you help?
- Did you learn something new about America’s farmers?
Thanks for reading out We Feed People Quotes and Why Watch We Feed People. If you are interested in donating to WCK, you can donate here.
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