The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2 Recap & Riveting Quotes!

The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2 Recap by the Elf. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog. 

Episode 2 reunites us with some of our favorite characters from season 1. And we start to see some of the fallout from the season 1 finale. How the forming of Mordor impacts the rest of Middle Earth for instance. Check out our recap of season 1 here. And of Episode 1 here. Here’s a quick recap summary of the Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2.

What happens to the Elves in The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2?:

Sauron manipulates Calimbribor into gaining entry back into his trust and workshop. He convinces Calimbrimbor that he is an ethereal messenger from the Valor sent to convince him to make rings for men and dwarves. That he would be forever revered as the Lord of the Rings. Sauron changes back into to an elf form and calls himself Annatar- the lord of gifts. All of the messengers have failed to reach Ergian and so Calimbribor has heard nothing from the king.

Elrond and Galadriel disagree about what to do next, but agree the going back to Calimbrimbar together is their best option. But Elrond surprises her by agreeing with the king to be the one in charge of the mission.

PS- Did you know that there is a Lord of Rings Monopoly?!

What happens to the Harfoots in The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2:

Poppy and Nori are traveling with The Stranger and find out they are being followed again. Because of that they decide to take a dessert path. Delirious with hunger and thirst, they accidentally alert the hunters to where they are. The Stranger uses his power to protect them, but looses control creating a tornado that whisks both the hunters ( the mortal Easterlings who appear to be working with a dark wizard) and the girls away.

Eagle quote from The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2 from the king. Image of quote in front of a forest.

What happens to the Dwarves in The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2?:

At the beginning of the episode we see the beautiful Dwarf kingdom of Khazad-Dum be shaken by the eruption in Mordor. All of the growth shafts are completely cut off. They cannot figure out a simple way to open back up any of the shafts. It looks like the king and prince might reconcile to figure this out when Prince Durin gets a message. An invitation to come get a ring of power.

Still waiting to find out what’s happening in Numenor and what will happen now in Mordor.

The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2 recap, quotes and more instagram image. Image of characters from Amazon Studios.

Favorite Quotes from The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2:

“It does not take the eyes of an eagle to see your thoughts have flown far afield. What troubles them?” – High King

“What you call ‘stubbornness’ some dwarves call ‘strength.” “Oh, I imagine it does take strength to carry a grudge so heavy. To keep your wounded heart so tightly bound, it can barely beat.” King Durin and Princess Disa

“You’re giving me indigestion!” “Good, then listen to your guts!” – Prince Durin and Princess Disa

“Don’t you see? No one can give you a name. It is yours already. It is who you are. And when you hear it spoken, you feel your heart glow.” The Stranger

“Sauron used me. And under his hand I was played like a harp to a melody not of my choosing.” “It was entirely of your choosing. Sauron looked inside you and plucked the very song of your soul note by note. Making himself out to be exactly what you needed. The lost king who could ride you to victory. You gave him everything he wanted and then thanked him for it.” – Galadriel and Elrond

“In choosing to wear those rings, you have chosen to be his collaborators. I will take no part in it.” -Elrond

“Judge the work. Leave the judgement of those who wrought it to the judge who sees all things.” – Cirdan

Listen to your guts Disa quote from The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2. Quote on image in front of a forest.

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