All Together Now Parent Review written by the Elf on 8/23/2020 This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
All Together Now Parent Review with Discussion Questions-
Movie by Netflix Family
Know Before You Watch
Movie: All Together Now
Rating: PG *
Age Suggestion: 13+
Running Time: 1 hr. 32 min.
Release Date: August 28, 2020 on Netflix
Themes: friendship, hardship, service, family, hope, generosity
Warnings: *Presented as an inspirational kids/teen movie, it’s more like a 15+ movie. While it’s incredibly appropriate for a YA movie- the topics it navigates are heavy. Adoptive & foster parents should be especially weary of this one. It’s well made and a good movie, but we HIGHLY suggest watching it WITH your teens.* More specific warnings in the review below!
All Together Now Quick Summary:
Based on the book ‘Sorta Like a Rockstar‘, this new Netflix movie is all about Amber Appleton’s senior year of high school. She’s an optimist with an incredible heart for serving others, but has trouble accepting help herself. And behind that service sits some trauma and secrets. When her phone stops working because they’re struggling financially, will she be able to tell any of her friends that she’s homeless too? What will happen to her dreams and college plans? It’s an inspirational movie that deals with some tough topics. It steers clear of a lot of your typical YA tropes, has a lot of heart, and is a lot more realistic than your typical teen movie. One worth streaming. But stream it and process it together. Find our All Together Now discussion questions below.
All Together Now Discussion Questions:
*Light Movie Spoilers*

1) What was the best part of the movie?
2) Who is your Donna? [An adult you can trust to talk to and advocate for you]
3) Even when Amber did not have a lot, she gave a lot! What’s something else we can start doing to serve others? [In the book, her faith is what drives her servants heart]
4) What are the steps you take if a friend divulges that they do not feel safe or that something is wrong?
5) Amber was a great friend and genuinely cared about the people around her. Who do you know that’s genuinely loving like that? Are you?
*Keep reading for our All Together Now Parent review*
All Together Now Parent Review:
*spoilers beyond this point!*

-Is All Together Now Appropriate?:
The movie All Together Now is appropriate for 13+ in our opinion, however we highly suggest that parents and guardians watch this with your teens. With most YA movies and books, over sexualizing is my main concern. (Hello The Kissing Booth). They absolutely steer clear of that in this movie outside of a kiss, an innuendo, and song lyrics. But what they do cover is tough. Homelessness, a nod to immigration, minimum wage jobs, financial and food insecurity, parental death, alcoholism, physical abuse. It’s all just a part of Amber’s life and things she needs to overcome. None of it is tackled head on and it’s done very well. But it is heavy. I’m still processing it a day later.
-Characters & Acting:
I loved Carol Burnett and Fred Armisen’s supporting roles in the movie- SO good! Add to that incredibly talented young actors [several of them relatively unknown] and you have a pretty great cast! Also, as a family with a sibling who has Autism, we really appreciated them using an actor who has Autism to play a character that does, so props to Netflix for that. Auli’i Cravalho really does an amazing job as the lead, she was very believable.
-Script & Story:
It certainly was not the inspirational watch I was expecting. But in so many ways it was better. There’s real hope and help to be found in serving and loving others! That was my biggest takeaway.
As a foster and adoptive momma, I was really worried about how the movie was going to turn out after the first ten minutes. The neglect and love of the mom were portrayed pretty realistically and I SO appreciate that they had the teens find a safe adult who would advocate for them instead of trying to solve it all themselves.
In fact, my biggest gripe with the movie was the music. When you’ve got such a powerhouse vocalist and you’re promoting this movie as inspirational- why couldn’t her original, amazing, song in the middle have been an inspirational one?! Instead we got a suggestive ballad that was OK, but not as hopeful or deep as anything from Moana.
–Favorite Moments:
*I loved that when they went to the cabin, they just talked and supported each other, instead of jumping into bed. Yay for painting a realistic picture of a teen relationship WITHOUT focusing on sex!
*The themes and lessons from the movie about accepting help and serving others are very well done and great discussion points!
*The variety show!
What to check out next:
-Our top family friendly Netflix Streaming Suggestions
-Lessons from the Willoughybys with Discussion Questions
–Look Both Ways book review and Discussion Questions
-The book the movie is based on.
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