5 Ways to Make This New Year Great

5 Ways to Make This New Year Great written by the Queen on December 31st, 2021This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog. 

A new day, a new week or a new year are opportunities and motivation to start fresh.  With a new year just around the corner (or even if you’re reading this after the first), we have another opportunity to plan a better path forward.  Here’s our list of 5 things you can do to make this new year great and better than ever.

1) Map out your ideal day

What does an ideal day look like for you?  Does it

  • include exercise?
  • eating healthy?
  • contain devotional or meditative time?
  • have reading or screen time without those taking over?
  • build in some time for chores, so they don’t build into an avalanche?

A few years ago, I decided an ideal day would start with a walk, and I figured out I could include my devotional time by listening to an app that read to me while I was walking. It made all the difference.

2) Envision What a Great Week Looks Like

  • When would you like to run errands?
  • When can you schedule some fun?
  • When would you ideally fit in exercise?
  • When’s the best time to prep for meals?

Errands, chores, and meals are going to happen. Thinking in advance about how you can manage them instead of them managing you can leave you less stressed, and even enable you to schedule in some fun to make the week better.

3) Plan Monthly Fun

Do you ever catch yourself saying, “We haven’t been to the (fill in the blank) in years!”? Schedule it!  A few years ago, I listed one fun outing at the top of the calendar for each month.  We didn’t get to half of them but we did get to a few more than we would have otherwise.  Shoot for the moon and catch some stars!  What do you or your friends or family like to do? Amusement parks? Museums? Live theater? Concerts? Try scheduling one outing each month and make that time a priority.

4) Make Vacation Plans

Whether you can afford a staycation or a trip overseas, planning ahead will take you farther than leaving it to the last minute.  In addition, planning ahead gives you something to look forward to and helps you save more, enabling a better trip. The importance of being able to step away from the every day chaos of life can not be understated, especially when stress and anxiety is at an all time high.

5) Start Saving for the Holidays

One of the best things we did as a couple was to start a holiday bank account and contribute to it monthly.  That enabled our holidays to be less stressful, our giving more intentional, and our finances to be healthier!  Don’t forget to include planning for trips to see family or friends, and outings to favorite performances, light shows or other events.  Making the holidays bright starts as soon as the current holidays are finished.

We hope your new year brings many blessings to you and yours.  Thank you for sharing this past year with us and our family at DownTheHobbitHoleBlog.com

Thanks for reading our post about how to make this new year great! For more inspiration, check out our other posts:

Brene Brown’s Call to Courage Lessons and Discussion Questions

Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up Special

-64 Practical Lessons from Trent Shelton’s Straight Up

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