5 Lessons from Jurassic World Dominion Adoptive Parent Review written by the Elf on June 11th, 2022. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Know Before You Watch
Movie: Jurassic World: Dominion
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Sci-Fi, Action Adventure
Length: 2 hrs. 25 mins.
Age suggested: 12+
Release Date: June 9th, 2022
Warnings: Typical Jurassic series violence and cursing. Extra jump scares. Genetics and ethics are a major plot point. Adoption and Parental Death. (More in our adoptive parent review below.) Did I mention the jump scares?
Jurassic World Dominion Summary
*Spoiler free section* Picking up right where Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom left off, the main characters of both the Jurassic World and the Jurassic Park series continue their fight for the dinosaurs. As dinosaurs and humans struggle to adapt together, the fight for coexisting has just begun. Will our team succeed in their quest to protect the dinos? And just how many times can they put the characters in great background vignettes?! This movie brings the Jurassic franchise to a close as the last movie in the Jurassic World series. (Reportedly the last, but I could totally see this being picked up again in the future.)
Jurassic World Dominion Parent Review
-Is Jurassic World Dominion Appropriate?-
Parents should know that Jurassic World Dominion is a fan movie. It really focuses on the characters wrapping up their storylines. And when it’s not character driven, it’s jump scare driven. While I would say it is not as violent as the previous films there are significantly more jump scare moments. The kid behind us seemed to be about 8 and left the movie crying. If your kids can handle the previous movies on the small screen, they will probably be able to handle this one on the small screen. But also be aware that a jump scare at home is a lot different than a jump scare on a giant theater screen.
Besides those points, it was very similar to the rest of the series. The cursing and bloodshed are about on par with the previous movies, possibly less. The movie concludes the entire Jurassic movie series (reportedly) and it was definitely made with the fans in mind. We loved how they portrayed biological and adoptive parents but will write more on that below.
–4 Reasons to Watch Jurassic World Dominion-
1)They Fill in Plot Holes
Of course, they create some too. But they move forward the stories of each of the main characters. It was made for the fans specifically. I can’t say a whole lot more here without spoilers, so this sections just going to stay short.
2) There’s More Diversity
Prior, and absolutely correct, complaints have been that the only diversity in the series has been with villains. In this case two of the villains were white males, one rich. And the only villain to really have it together was female. The two people added to the main cast, with just as much screen time, were a Black actor and actress. They were just fantastic. And AHHH! What I was most impressed with was the genetics/adoption storyline. More on that in our adoptive parent review of Jurassic World Dominion section below.
3) The Dinosaurs were more realistic in Jurassic World 3
If you haven’t been watching endless educational children’s programming like we have, let me fill you in. Lot’s of Dinosaurs probably had hair. And wings more like chickens. (There is a scene with a giant killer chicken dinosaur that had me squeezing off my mom’s hand!) We loved going through the Dallas Zoo’s Dino Safari recently to learn more about them. But this has been a big topic of discussion around the movies, and they were definitely more attentive to it this go round.
4) The Jurassic Park Crew is Back
They had a lot of fantastic vignettes in the movie. With the dinosaurs and each cast of characters. From Jurassic World and Jurassic Park. And while there was not as many nods to the original movies as there was in the first Jurassic World, there were still some fantastic throw backs. And it really was made for the fans. You even get references to all the main Jurassic memes out there.

-Jurassic World Dominion and Adoption-
I have never seen a movie in which biological parents, adoptees, and adoptive parents are all cast in such a positive and realistic light. Both sets of parents love the child and fight for her. They both make big mistakes but really try to work in Maisie’s best interest. Maisie isn’t sure who she is or where she really belongs. She feels unique and isolated because of her genetic make up. And she comes to realize that she is her own separate person, completely whole. That she’s worthy and worth something beyond just her genetic make up. And that she can value her biological family and still completely embrace her adoptive family too.
To be a little too honest- it also made me a little sad that I can’t go all vigilante for my kids. I also really appreciated the mean comments that are just a part of life for those of us on this path. “She wasn’t really yours to begin with.” “You’re not real.” etc… And how it didn’t even cause them to pause. They went to the ends of the earth for their kid, even though the people closest to them didn’t understand it.
As more and more diverse families are being portrayed in movies, I’m excited for my kids to grow up with POSITIVE representation. Blended families/family members of all sorts have been reduced to negative stereotypes more times than I can count. I’ve never related to a character like this.
***Not everyone’s experiences are the same. EG: I would not take my child who has experienced abuse from biological family members to see this and expect for them to not be sad afterward that their experience wasn’t like Maisie’s. I wouldn’t take my adoptee friend who had a negative relationship with their adoptive parents to see this and assume they wouldn’t be sad that their experience wasn’t like Owen and Claire, or Charlotte. I firmly believe that you can have some GREAT conversations based on this movie, but take your own, or their, experiences into consideration. And remember to always lead with gentleness and by validating whatever feelings may arise. What did you think?!?!
-Favorite Jurassic World Dominion Quotes-
“Genetic power has been unleashed”
“Humans and dinosaurs can’t coexist. We’ve created an ecological disaster”
“We’re racing toward the extinction of our species. We not only lack dominion over nature. We’re subordinate to it.”
“The doomsday clock might be out of time”
Jurassic World: Dominion Discussion Questions
Jurassic World Dominion Themes to Discuss: The Ethics of Giant Corporations, Genetic Ethics, Friendship, Family, Dinosaurs, Extinction, Caring for the Earth, Food Supply Chain
- Which jump scare really got you?
- Which character were you most excited to see back?
- Which of the new characters was your favorite?
- Rank the movies!
- How did you feel about the conclusion?
- What do you think the most ethical choice would have been?
- Would the characters have succeeded without people on the inside?
- Could there be a successful way to keep the dinosaurs safe while also not endangering humans and other animals?
- What did you think of how they portrayed the families?
- What friend would you take with you to the middle of nowhere and certain doom?
5 Lessons from Jurassic World Dominion!
1) You Can’t Undo Pandora’s Box
As so many of the Jurassic movies focus on, the power of the dinosaurs are unleashed and humanity must learn to cope with that fact. Dominion, more than most of the other films, really dive into the possibility of co-existing with dinosaurs into the world. Since you can’t undo the release, how can you cope with it?
2) Not Questioning Seemingly Good Things Can Be Exploited
There is a very anti-large corporation theme throughout this film and is seen greatly through the climax of the movie. Dr. Malcolm is fired from the company and finally is able to tell his true thoughts. He speaks to the employees and tells them that they don’t have to turn a blind eye towards the true evils that are going on because of this company.
3) Community Beats Isolation Every Time
Almost every situation and problem that exists in Jurassic World: Dominion would have been nearly impassable if the characters were alone. Having someone simply to go with you and freak out or say “This sucks” takes a difficult path into a possible one.
4) Not Being Able to Fix Everything is Not an Excuse to Do Nothing
The world has been thrown multiple large disasters in a relatively small time period. This could easily be used as an excuse to give up, but most characters see this as an important to do what they can to help in small and big ways. Even small things lead to big changes.
5) (My personal favorite) Genetics Matter- But They Aren’t Everything.
As mentioned previously, Maisie’s story was handled so well and teaches so many lessons. The biggest of these is that genetics are not something to be forgotten, but it isn’t everything.
Thanks for reading our Lessons from Jurassic World Dominion Parent Review Post! Before you go, check out these other posts:
- Can Kids Watch Dr. Strange 2?
- Lessons from ‘The Bad Guys’! A must see family movie.
- Free Guy parent review
- Lessons from the movie Uncharted
- Also, check out the Jurassic World: Dominion soundtrack
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