Wonder discussion questions and review
Movie: Wonder (November 2017)
Rating: PG
Rating Suggestion: We would suggest this movie for 3rd grade and up. We highly suggest that you go see this movie WITH your kids.
Running Time: 1 hr. 53 min.
Themes: friendship, loneliness, inner strength, kindness, family
Thoughts from the Hobbit:
1- It was superbly acted by both the kids and the adults! The acting, the expressions- were so well done!
2- It isn’t just from Auggie’s perspective and about Auggie. The story is told from multiple perspectives which brings a greater depth to the story.
3- The movie has grace. While I love a good superhero movie- this is a superhero movie of a different kind and it is excellent.
Thoughts from the Elf:
1- This is not just a well done movie (and it IS that) but an important one! A reminder that we all need about kindness and perspective.
2- The thing that stuck with me the most were the two rules that Auggie’s dad gives him as he is going into school for the very first time. I think these can be applied to our everyday lives.
#1 ‘Only raise your hand once a class- unless it’s science, then blow them away’
-We all need to remember to listen more than we speak, but also not be afraid to speak up about what we are passionate about.
#2 ‘Sometimes you are going to feel alone in there Auggie, but you’re not!’
-This movie is the best argument I’ve ever seen for community. It is tempting to believe the lie that we are alone. That only we understand or know. And it is hard to be brave and seek out community. People are messy, but so is life and we are much better equipped to deal with it when we embrace the mess and embrace community.
3- I also loved the acting. Beautifully done.
You can purchase the movie Wonder now! If interested, you can also pick up the book the movie is based on here.
Wonder Discussion Questions:
-What character do you relate to the most?
-How can you #ChooseKind?
-Who was brave in the movie? Who was the most happy in the end?
-What did you like about how they told the story?
-How would you react in that situation? How do you respond when you see someone that doesn’t look like you?
-Which scene upset you the most and which made you the happiest?
-Who needs a standing ovation in your life?
-When was the last time you gave your parents, siblings, friends, or teachers a standing ovation?
To read a full review of the movie from Plugged In, click here.
Here are some more in depth questions written for a book club discussion posted on ThoughtCo. Questions.
If you liked our review of Wonder, you can check out our reviews of Just Mercy or Little Women

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