15 of the BEST Grandparents in Literature, best grandparents on TV and best grandparents in movies- written by the Ent and the Elf on 9/12/2020 This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Grandparents are great, aren’t they? Whether they are sneaking you some candy or just playing games with you, there is not much better than being spoiled by a grandparents love. We here at Down the Hobbit Hole Blog wanted to create a list of some of our favorite grandparents in literature, movies, and TV Shows! Who are yours?!
Best Grandparents in Literature

-Grandpa Joe – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Despite his old age and apparent ailments, Grandpa Joe is so happy and proud when he learns that Charlie has won a golden ticket to the chocolate factory. The internet may have turned on Grandpa Joe, but there is still some positivity and happiness that can be found within him. We especially love how he believes unendingly in his grandson and encourages him.
-Granny Relda –The Sisters Grimm
Imagine never knowing your grandmother- then finding out that she’s a take-no-prisoners magical detective!! Granny Relda loves her family fiercely and takes the legacy and job very seriously. She has to endear herself to pre-teen and teen grandkids while saving the world in this awesome fantasy series.
-Nanny Ogg – Discworld Series
Although not the most popular member of the Ogg family, she could be easily considered the most loved and respected. Despite being perhaps one of the most powerful witches in the Discworld series, she is also genuinely liked and appreciated for her kindness and maternal actions.
-The Snoring Granny- The Napping House
She’s one of the first representations of a grandparent that many kids will see in books. Granny keeps everyone comfy and cozy. Doesn’t mind being elbowed and tossed around by everyone in the house that’s in her bed for nap time. And THEN when the bed breaks, she doesn’t get mad! She laughs and takes everyone outside to play. A simple, but classic book with a wonderful Granny.
-Nanna- The Last Stop on Market Street
That special grandparent bond is highlighted in the fun picture book. CJ is feeling sorry for himself, but Nanna makese everything better. Nanna is able to make everything a little more fun for CJ on their trip through the city on the bus. She does what the best grandparents do- opens little eyes to new aspects of life, beauty, gratitude and adventure.
Best Grandparent in Movies

-Gramma Tala – Moana
Perhaps one of the most charismatic grandparents in modern movies is Moana’s grandmother, Grandma Tala. Never afraid to stand up for her misunderstood granddaughter and never afraid to keep her son, the chief of Motunui, in check. Also, you never know when you will simply see her dancing in the ocean, which is a win in our book.
-Bud Robinson and Lucille Krunklehorn – Meet the Robinsons
Speaking of charisma, Bud and Lucille are basically the epitome of charisma. In this often forgotten Disney movie, Child genius Lewis is thrust into the future with his friend whose grandparents show joy, love, and hilarity in droves. Also, the twist at the end of the film provides some tear jerking moments that anyone would love.
-Queen Clarisse – The Princess Diaries
Although it takes her a bit of time to warm up to her estranged granddaughter, by the end of the movie no one can have any doubt of Queen Clarisse’s love. The queen of Genovia always wanted to be a part of her family’s life and she finally gets the opportunity to do so when she is introduced to Mia Thermopolis, an awkward high schooler who is destined to be queen.
-Gammy – The Proposal
Betty White being a grandma. Enough said? No? Well, what about her doing dances in the forest in order to bring fertility to her granddaughter? Gammy is an absolute spark of joy in The Proposal. Her interactions with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock throughout the film bring inarguably the funniest and most heart-warming moments in the entire movie.
-Grandfather- Princess Bride
Despite the fact the grandfather in the Princess Bride movie doesn’t actually exist within the book, he’s amazing in the movie. The way that he so gracefully involves his grandson in this whirling story of pirates and mystery is absolutely wonderful.
Best Grandparents on TV Shows

-Grandpere – Daniel Tiger
Even though he is not a mainstay in every episode, Grandpere come around often and provides Daniel Tiger with many little adventures. He is rarely found without some sort of toy or memory to share with his grandson and granddaughter. The French accent is always quite entertaining as well.
-Ruby – Black-ish
We all need a Ruby in our life. A person who is wise enough to know what they are talking about and brutal enough to always tell the truth. Although it is not always appreciated in the Johnson household, there is never any doubt that Ruby provides a large amount of love that is reciprocated in kind (except maybe not Rainbow).
-Millie and Zeek Braverman – Parenthood
The Braverman’s have plenty of issues, but they’re also a really tight and supportive family unit. Even when they’re a little rough around the edges and unapproachable, these grandparents love their kids and grand-kids fiercely. Zeek gets frustrated when he can’t run and control his kids like he could a military unit, but notes that there is nothing he is more proud of in his life than his family. Millie is the one that everyone talks to and reminds us that it’s never to late to dream new dreams.
-Grandma McStuffins- Doc McStuffins
It’s hard when grandparents don’t live near by. But Doc and her grandmother have the most special bond. Grandma travels the world and sends Doc lots of fun toys, but they also share a super special secret. Grandma McStuffins is the one who gave Doc her stethoscope that lets her talk to toys and her grandmother can talk to them too! She even lets Doc be a part of the toy hospital when she gets a little older.
-Violet Crawley – Downton Abbey
Oh Violet. The oldschool grandma with teenage sass and quick wit. She certainly is not a fan of change but surprises us often with her willingness to adapt. She’s also the foundational pillar of the Crawley family. Isobel and Violet’s frequent verbal sparring matches are nothing short of amazing. And while she is certainly tough, she deeply loves her family and grandchildren. Isobel and Violet are definitely my personal favorite two of the best grandparents on TV shows. Check out our Downton Abbey movie review and series overview here!!
If you enjoyed this list of best grandparents in Literature, movies and TV, check out our other Family-related posts!

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I think my favourite is Grandpa Jo. He’s so relatable and kind. Love this post though, a collection of great ideas!
Princess diaries always reminds me of my grandmother – she isn’t a queen but elegant like one!
That’s so sweet, I love that!
This is a cute post. I loved reading the list and envisioning the characters in my head. It made me smile 🙂
Thanks so much! Glad we made you smile 🙂
Very impressive suggestions! I love Gammy from the Proposal! She made the movie feel fun and easy to watch <3
Oh I love her SO much! And Betty White in general!
Thanks so much!