Written by the Hobbit and Elf on 4/8/2020
This post on Holy Week and Good Friday at Home- contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Observing Holy Week and Good Friday at Home: Why & What Is It?
This 4 part series is about the week leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection, and how we can make room for that during this pandemic and isolation.
No one anticipated that Easter services would be at home this year. But then again, the disciples weren’t expecting the resurrection to look like it did either. So we’re in good company to have a truly moving Easter experience. Our hope is that even though this Holy Week is virtual, that it will be a deep and meaningful week that your family will always remember.
Observing Holy Week at home is not just for Catholics or other more classical church believers. What is Holy Week? It is, on the church calendar, the week before Easter. It begins the Sunday before Easter on Palm Sunday. It is important to note here that the church calendar itself does nothing for us in and of itself. What it does is provide reminders and helpful seasons (or rhythms) to help keep ourselves open to God. It has deepened our spiritual lives and we hope that it will deepen yours.
You can find part one on Palm Sunday here and the second post on Maundy Thursday here. The last part covers Easter Sunday.
Good Friday Thoughts
Good Friday. The term has always seemed a little funny to me. How can something so sad be called ‘good’? This is the day that commemorates the betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus. The word “good” does not have its usual meaning here though. It means holy. So today is “Holy Friday”. But isn’t that a general struggle this year? How do we boldly proclaim that God is good, risen and loves you in the midst of so much grief, pain and suffering? It doesn’t seem like enough.
Maybe it’s because that’s not the full picture. Is it possible that we can proclaim more boldly now than ever before though that it is a holy day to remember? That Jesus offers us hope in the story of not just His resurrection, but also in His death.
It’s not just a fleeting passing wish, it’s true and deep hope that pierces the darkness.
We’re not testifying to believers who have it all together or have all the answers.
The thing we have, the thing that we want to share
is the incredible hope of Heaven and centering relationship with God.
We can say God loves you! Jesus is risen! And that God is a good and loving Father, AND ALSO…
God catches our tears,
Jesus understands suffering,
and He is alive and risen!
To make a way for us to Heaven,
to forgive us.
To be with us.
We are deeply loved and called to share that love and hope.
Perhaps this year we can re-learn a different and better way to stand in the gap with those that are suffering. In Matthew 26: 38 Jesus says to the disciples… “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Maybe taking up our cross this year looks like really keeping watch for where we can serve, pray, and be present- even if it’s virtually. Who needs you to stand watch for them right now?

The Story
There are usually a lot of readings on Good Friday. If you have multiple people at home and all are older, take turns reading these. If you don’t, perhaps this would be a good time to call a friend and you can read to each other.
John 18:1–19:42
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm 22:1-18
Specific parts of the story:
The Garden (Mark 14:32-42, Matthew 26:36-46)
The Betrayal (Mark 14:43-52, Luke 22:47-53, Matthew 26:14-15)
The Trial (Mark 14:53-65, Matthew 27:11-26, Luke 22:66-71)
The road to the cross (Mark 15:21-22, Luke 23:26)
The cross (Mark 15:24-41, Matthew 27:32-44, Luke 23:26:43)
Shorter Readings for Younger Kids:
Psalm 22: 1-5 NIRV
1 My God, my God, why have you deserted me? Why do you seem so far away when I need you to save me?… 3 But you rule from your throne as the Holy One. You are the God Israel praises. 4 Our people of long ago put their trust in you. They trusted in you, and you saved them. 5 They cried out to you and were saved. They trusted in you, and you didn’t let them down.
John 19: 28-30, 38, 40-41 NIRV
28 Later, Jesus knew that everything had now been finished. He also knew that what Scripture said must come true. So he said, “I am thirsty.” 29 A jar of wine vinegar was there. So they soaked a sponge in it. They put the sponge on the stem of a hyssop plant. Then they lifted it up to Jesus’ lips. 30 After Jesus drank he said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and died…. 38 Later Joseph asked Pilate for Jesus’ body. Joseph was from the town of Arimathea. He was a follower of Jesus. But he followed Jesus secretly because he was afraid of the Jewish leaders. After Pilate gave him permission, Joseph came and took the body away. 40 The two men took Jesus’ body. They wrapped it in strips of linen cloth, along with the spices. That was the way the Jews buried people. 41 At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden. A new tomb was there. No one had ever been put in it before. 42 That day was the Jewish Preparation Day, and the tomb was nearby. So they placed Jesus there.
Activity Ideas for Good Friday at Home
1) Stand in the gap with prayer. Pray all throughout the day. An easy way to do that is to keep a list out and every time you think of someone or something to pray for, jot it down and take a minute to talk about with God.
2) Pray and talk through the stations (story) of the cross. I really like this one because it outlines the whole story in short and easy to understand ways.
3) Make a cross together to hang on your door or window, talk about what it means to you.
4) Chalk some encouraging messages or painted stones along your walk, talk about how can you be an encouragement to your neighbors?
5) Talk with your kids about what they can do to help. Whether it is writing cards for neighbors, making virtual cards for nursing homes, hospitals, or other essential workers or donating some of their money- everyone can do something. Helping as a family can be another step to help your kids and you process what is happening together.
6) Watch the movie the Passion together. (Having a toddler in my house I can also highly recommend the VeggieTales Easter movies )
***) Attend a service online together!
Praying with Younger Kids:
Thank you God for preparing a way for us. You died on the cross for our sins and came back to life so that we can be with God forever in Heaven. Even though we can be grumpy and tired of staying at home, we are so very thankful for our house and our family. We pray that this weekend would bring hope to a lot of people and that we can be an encouragement to our neighbors. Amen
Two prayers from the book of Common Worship
Eternal God,
in the cross of Jesus
we see the cost of our sin
and the depth of your love:
in humble hope and fear
may we place at his feet
all that we have and all that we are,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Almighty Father,
look with mercy on all who are here. We are part of your family. We pray that you show mercy to our family and friends who are not with us now. Our Lord Jesus Christ died upon the cross for us all; who is alive and glorified with you and the Holy Spirit,
We hope that this Good Friday at Home post was helpful for you.
You can find part one that covered Palm Sunday here.
Part three will cover Good Friday.
You can find more of our faith and family posts here.
Are you needing something to do virtually with your life or small group? We have reviews and group discussion guides for I Still Believe, The Chosen, and Breakthrough with Overcomer as well.
We would love to hear how you are celebrating Easter and Good Friday at home- drop us a comment below!

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