Miles Morales Game review written by the Ent on /2021 This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Know Before You Play the Miles Morales Spiderman Game
Video Game: Miles Morales (On PS4 and PS5)
Rating: Teen
Age suggested: 13 and up
Release Date: November 12th, 2020
Themes: Friendship, Responsibility, Justice, Morality
Content Warnings: Mild violence (typical amount for a superhero product), very mild language and small drug references
Quick Summary of Miles Morales Game
Carrying on from the Spider-Man video game, we follow Miles Morales as Peter Parker takes a little vacation from New York. Things go off the rails quickly as Miles discovers evil forces working underground and must use every resource he has to defend his city.
Miles Morales Game Review (Spoiler Free)
Miles Morales provides a short (9-15 hour) gaming experience that sends the player through a powerful, intense story. Similar to the Spider-man game, the best aspect to this game is simple the act of being a Spider-man. Swinging through New York and defending its residents allow for such simple fun. This game lets you play as easily or complicated as you would like it to.
On top of the great gameplay, the Spider-man: Miles Morales game is a great dive into the character of Miles Morales and the secondary characters. The plot packs a huge punch of gripping power, especially for being a shorter game compared to the norm. There are lessons that Miles Morales must learn while balancing friends, family, and nemeses.
Why Play Miles Morales with your kids

For the last few years, it seems the superhero genre has been able to bridge generations in a way that few other genres have in the past. The Miles Morales game provides a great entry way into a story of Spider-man that many parents may not be familiar with, while also blending in with the Peter Parker from the past. Also, this game allows for so much emotional attachment to characters and storyline, that it can be very gripping and a fun experience for both the player and the watcher.
On top of this, there are several moral issues brought up throughout the storyline that could be fun and interesting to discuss and theorize with your kids (You can see some discussion questions below to get started). The other potential benefit is that Miles Morales, as a character, breaks into several different forms of media such as comic books, novels, movies, and television. This allows you to be able to branch out and watch or read different things with your kids as well!
How to Play Miles Morales with your kids
Miles Morales is a one player game, which means only one person can play at a time. This lends itself to just treating the game as a movie that you are watching your kid play. The main downside to this is, depending on your child, they may not be interested in having you join them. The more interest you show in the characters and the story, the more accepting your kid may be in your presence.
If you are honored with the opportunity to play, Miles Morales provides relatively simple gameplay for the modern day video game. If you haven’t played a modern video game, spend some time learning the controller for your kid’s system (This game is only available on the Playstation 4 or 5). Here’s a super quick intro video on the PS-4 remote. You’ll only need to learn a few moves to be able to get through gameplay. You run and jump with the main controls. Shoot webs with the R1 button on the back of the remote. And attack/throw with different combinations of the square and triangle buttons. Here’s a longer guide to different moves if you want to dive a little deeper.
Miles Morales Game Discussion Questions
- Did you see any of the twists coming? Especially near the end?
- How did Miles mature and grow throughout the game?
- What is the Tinkerer’s motivation and how does that help them be a more relatable character?
- Would you have done anything different than Miles throughout the game?
*General Questions to ask throughout gameplay: - What are you going to do next?
- That move was awesome- how did you do it?
- Talk about the plot, characters, and graphics.
Thanks for reading our Miles Morales Game Review.
We’re working on more “How to Play Video Games With Your Kids” posts!
Before you go, check out these other posts:
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