A Bird Will Soar Discussion Questions written by the Hobbit on June 29th, 2022. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Know Before You Read
Book: A Bird Will Soar
Author: Alison Green Myers
Genre: Family; bird books; poetry
Length: 400 pages
Age suggested: 10+
Release Date: October 19, 2021
Warnings: Some overall family trauma; mentions of alcohol abuse
Quick Summary of A Bird Will Soar
Axel loves birds. He frequently goes into the forest close to his house with Ray, a neighbor’s dog, to look at an eagle’s nest. When a tornado damages both his house and the eagle’s nest, Axel, who is neurodivergent, has his life turned upside down.
A Bird Will Soar Review: (Some Spoilers)
Axel is a bird-loving child who is also autistic. He has a close friend he spends time with, and he and his mother live in a wooded area. His dad has disappeared from his life, which is a mystery, but Axel has not just his mom but several people nearby who are family – people who he loves and who love him. This includes a dog named Ray. Axel and Ray go every day to look at an eagle’s nest, and Axel visits the local raptor rehabilitation center.
Axel likes order, but he faces chaos when a tornado damages not only his house but the eagle’s nest. Then his dad shows up to repair the house – which he had built. Many chapters open with a small piece of poetry; others with facts about birds. The story is Axel’s, but there are many people along the way who are a huge positive influence on him – underscoring the need for those influences. A good book not only for kids but for adults who want to be that positive influence.
–Why Read A Bird Will Soar-
A Bird Will Soar combines poetry and prose, fun and fascinating facts about birds, and a wide range of other topics. In a story that will capture most young readers. Reviews I have seen from readers who identify as autistic have been positive, and they are saying that Axel is a good introduction to how many people who are autistic think. I found this very interesting – it definitely explained some interactions in the past teaching children. I wanted to especially point out that all of the characters are very well done and believable, from primary to secondary.
Continue reading for our A Bird Will Soar Discussion Questions and Quotes!

Favorite A Bird Will Soar Quotes
“It’s okay to love someone so much that all you need to do is think of them, not cover them in sloppy kisses the way the old pointer likes to cover the man who rescued him as a pup.”
“We all have brains. The paths they make are as unique as feathers. Try to match any two, look up close, really closely, no two feathers are the same, and neither are two brains.”
“That’s when they figured out that you can grow a family from more than DNA. They grew it from place and time, and love, of course.”
“Only forty percent of birds live long enough to fly; eagles are slightly better at fifty percent. Only half. Only half in the best conditions. It’s hard. It’s nature. Some can’t do it, and if we give him the food, if we don’t even let him try, if we don’t even let him struggle, he’ll definitely be in the dead group.”
“These are the things we do for family. We are stronger than we might appear. Braver too.”
A Bird Will Soar Discussion Questions
Themes to Discuss: Family, found family, birds, autism, coping with loss, neurodivergence
- Who was in Axel’s “family”? Who is “family” to you that is not immediately family (“family” being those we love and who love us)?
- Axel sometimes got frustrated with his mom. What makes you frustrated with us?
- What did you like the most about Axel?
- Which of the adult characters did you like best? Why?
- Do you want to learn more about birds after reading the book?
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