5 Relatable Family Dynamics in the new Disenchanted Movie and parent review written by the Elf.This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog
Know Before You Watch the new Disenchanted Movie
Movie: Disenchanted (The sequel to Enchanted)
Rating: PG
Age Suggestion: 5+
Running Time: 2 hours
Release Date: November 18th, 2022
Where to Stream: Disney Plus
Warnings: This sequel is actually more family friendly than Enchanted. There are a couple of minor curse words and some flashing lightning. However, there are blended family dynamics and a totally unnecessary intro scene with child abandonment that could be triggering for viewers. Check out our ‘Is Disenchanted Appropriate’ section below for more info.
Quick Summary of the New Disenchanted Movie:
Picking up 15 years after Enchanted ends. This movie takes on some typical critiques of the traditional fairy tale, like the idea that your life is magically happy and over after you get married. Or that there’s only ever one villain in a story.
Giselle and Robert now have a teenager and an infant. And their cramped New York apartment (which in the movie actually looks like a pretty spacious city apartment- lol) isn’t cutting it. They are looking for something more idyllic but run into a lot of real life painful snags. Can magic help these less than storybook moments?

Why Watch Disenchanted 15 Years After Enchanted?:
I love that this came out right before the holidays because it is one of those rare live action kids movies that the whole family really can enjoy together. There are not a lot of scary scenes or images, and not any awkward sexual encounters, so you’re safe to watch this with a 3 year old and your grandmother. And that is not to say that every single person will enjoy this movie, but it’s a relatable family comedy that is safe for a vast majority.
You also don’t need to have watched the first movie to catch on to the plot. It helps, but they do a quick summary in the intro.
Discussion Questions for the new Disenchanted Movie:
1) Who was your favorite character and why?
2) What was the funniest scene?
3) Favorite song?
4) If you had a wishing dish, what food would you wish for?
5) Is there a wish that Giselle could have made with the wishing wand that would not have backfired?
6) What would some of the leaves on your memory tree look like?
7) What are some things we could do to add to our memory trees?
**Discuss with your kids- have there been times that make you feel like you don’t fit in our family? When do you feel most loved and like an important part of our family?**
New Disenchanted Movie Themes to Discuss: Blended family, friendship, wishing, hope, being intentional
New Disenchanted Movie Parent Review:
This sequel was very fun. It takes place on and off screen 15 years after the first movie ends. All four of the leads returned and were fabulous. The original actress who played Morgan is not currently acting but she did a quick cameo, she was the villager who reminded Giselle about the ball. They all sing and Idina Menzel gets a fantastic power ballad. Alan Menkin is a popular Disney composer who worked on both Enchanted and Disenchanted. I’m not sure these songs will catch on quite like Enchanted’s did, but it could.
While there are a few confusing points and minor plot holes, the story as a whole is fun. And it takes a lot of fairy tale tropes and turns them on their head. Much like the first movie did. We would absolutely watch it again. I loved the ‘Even More Enchanted Finale’ lyrics at the end and thought it wrapped up the movie and the moral of the story so nicely. “And some days are good, and some are not so, but none do we take for granted. Cause it’s both the joys and adversities, making these memories. And though here in reality, my ever-after may not be, at every moment happily, it’s even more enchanted.”

-Is the new Disenchanted Movie Appropriate for Younger Viewers?-
For the most part, yes! Disenchanted is appropriate for a younger audience. However, there are also some pretty big themes that could be triggering for kids or adults. *Lots of spoilers ahead* The intro of the movie deals with Giselle being abandoned as an infant and raised by animals. She also turns into a wicked stepmother. Morgan seriously struggles with Giselle having a new biological baby and trying to reconcile daughter vs stepdaughter. That being said, this is one of the very few movies with blended families that I’m actually excited to watch and discuss with my family. There are not any big dragon moments like the first movie or death scenes. There are some intense flashing lightning scenes. There are also a couple of curse words, hell and idiot being the only ones that really stood out to me.
-Girl Power in the new Disenchanted Movie-
This deserves it’s own spot in the review. I LOVED how strong all the female characters were in this movie. And also how the couple were presented as a team. First of all, that Morgan despite her confusion about her place in the family, plus general teenage growing pains, was the one who needed to and succeeded in saving the day. Amy Adams produced this movie and specifically said that it was a love letter to her daughter. And there are just not very many good blended family examples in media. This movie joked about that but then did it correctly. Nancy not only helped Morgan along the way, as the awesome aunt we all need, but did it while singing a FABULOUS power ballad. And goodness, what parent couldn’t relate to Giselle’s confusion over parenting. And how effervescent was she as a super powerhouse in both roles!! Is there a real life balance between being an evil mom and a too sweet overbearing one? (Yes, conscious parenting.) And Giselle and Malvina were just fantastic together.
And let’s not forget the guys. I love that they both stood on their own and supported their families in the movie. Edward encouraged Nancy to go back to New York on her own to help Morgan save the day while he literally held down Andolasia. And Robert dropped everything to go find and support Morgan, and then to help bring back Giselle’s memories. And the prince didn’t play a huge role, but was encouraging and not completely self centered.
5 Relatable Family Dynamics in the new Disenchanted Movie:
- Pain Points and Beauty of a Blended Family
I was NERVOUS about halfway through this movie about how they were handling the relationship between Giselle and Morgan. But that scene where she tells her that she is absolutely her daughter, and a true daughter of Andolasia, was so beautiful. As a momma who did not give birth to my children and often bemoans how bonus moms are presented in media, this one felt like a warm hug. - The Family Member Who Doesn’t Understand Sarcasm or Jokes
I think everyone has a close friend or family member who either doesn’t understand sarcasm or jokes, or goes too far with them. Both can be painful. I love that Giselle was only able to understand and be sarcastic when she was evil. - We Need Our Goofballs
Sure, Edward had his head in the clouds and doesn’t really have a clue what’s going on. But he encourages and supports Morgan and Nancy. And they needed both his levity and encouragement. Holidays can be hard for the goofy members of the family, but we need them and their laughter. - Struggling to Find the Magic in the Mundane
Giselle, Robert, and Morgan were struggling to find a new normal after Sofia was born. Between sleepless nights and endless house projects, the everyday magic just wasn’t there. It’s a lifelong lesson that I’m constantly being reminded of- investing in stuff, things, and busy doesn’t make happiness or magic. But investing in your people, especially in the mundane everyday stuff, does create a little bit of magic. - Different Ages and Stages of Parenting Have Their Magic
But also, they all have their STRUGGLE too. Parenting can be so stinking wonderful but also unbearably difficult. We have to have support systems to be successful, like Morgan and Sofia had their awesome, chosen, aunt Nancy and uncle Edward.
What to check out next after watching the new Enchanted Movie on Disney Plus:
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