3 Lessons from The Wingfeather Saga – A Grand Story of Good vs Evil

Lessons from The Wingfeather Saga post written by the Ent. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.

Know Before You Watch The Wingfeather Saga

Show: The Wingfeather Saga
Rating: TV-Y7
Genre: Fantasy, Childrens, Animated
Length: six 30 minute episodes
Age Suggested: 7 and up
Streaming Service: Angel.com (for free, but you can donate)
Release Date: Released from Dec 2022 through Mar 2023
Warnings: Fair amount of cartoon violence and peril, loss of parental figures, some crude things said (mostly by villains). Check out “Is The Wingfeather Saga Appropriate” section below.

The Wingfeather Saga Summary

The Wingfeather Saga is based on the book series of the same name by Andrew Peterson. It follows the three Igilby children as the live in fear of the Fangs. The Fangs are humanoid lizard creatures who act as the authority figures of Glipwood. One day, the Igilby children have an encounter that not only changes their lives, but affects everyone in the town of Glipwood.

The Wingfeather Saga Review
Contains Mild Spoilers

Why Watch The Wingfeather Saga

The Wingfeather Saga is a great fantasy show that is a great starter for younger viewers. Many fantasy shows/movies are wonderful, but are simply aimed for kids who are 10 and up. This movie does contain some scary and intense things (see below for more information), but is really made for kids around the age of 7.

The storyline is a fun balance between straight-forward overarching stories, but teamed up with a few twists and turns within the subplots. The 3 Igilby children have a lot of personality and help keep the light-hearted nature of the show, even when things do get a bit darker.

The animation style is so fun as well. It is done with 3D characters in a 2D world. This creates such an oddly dynamic feel that really pulls you into the world. Overall, The Wingfeather Saga is simply a fun fantasy story that is made for most of the family!

Is The Wingfeather Saga Appropriate?

The Wingfeather Saga generally provides a fun family friendly show to watch, but still may contain somethings that are too scary for little ones. One of the scarier aspects of the show is the Fangs. They are bipedal Lizard creatures who act as the villains in this show. They carry swords (which they use as threats and on each other), intimidate characters, and use course language throughout the show.

There are a few other things that may be difficult for other people. A large subplot revolves around the fact that the Igilby’s father died in the past with lots of mystery around their history. Although the secrets themselves are nothing terrible, this mystery may be triggering for kids who have recently lost loved ones. With all of these things in mind, we think most children 7 and up should be good to watch The Wingfeather Saga.

Continue reading for our Quotes and Lessons from The Wingfeather Saga

Lessons from The Wingfeather Saga

Favorite The Wingfeather Saga Quote

What I’m trying to say is that as much as you want to see the wider world, don’t forget the glow of home.

But it could be just like living inside a mystery adventure story!

A sea dragon spoke to us, just to us. That has to mean something.

Then it’s really true. They’re taking children from Glipwood now.

Half the fight is picking the right time to fight.

Sometimes all it takes is a wee pebble to start an avalanche.

If this is the end, let’s make it good.

-The Wingfeather Saga Show Quotes

3 Lessons from The Wingfeather Saga

Sometimes Our Biggest Adventures Happen Close to Home

Many of the characters in The Wingfeather Saga are stuck in the ways things have always been. When the Igilby children dare to push against the norm, they realize that their mundane, oppressed life could be so much more.

Evil Must Be Confronted

In a similar vain, the entire town was under the thumb of the Fangs. There is a clear evil, but despite this, most people do not have the courage to stand up against it. But once someone does, many people rally to vanquish the evil.

Family Secrets Will often Lead to Conflict

The entire show had an undercurrent of deceit from the Igilby family. Although it wasn’t what was expected, the Igilby children did have some big things hidden from them under the name of “safety.” Most of the time, kids are more ready for information than we think they are and the longer you withhold important information about who they are, the more resentment you may face. It is always important to know the emotional bandwidth of children, but whatever is developmentally appropriate should likely be shared.

The Wingfeather Saga Discussion Questions

Themes to Discuss: Standing up to Evil, Family History, Responsibility

  1. Who was your favorite character and why? How do you relate to that character? How are they different than you?
  2. If you were living in a world with Fangs, do you think you would stand up to them?
  3. Learning form books plays a big role in this show. How so? What are some of the most important things you have learned by reading?
  4. What do the Igiby kids learn about their family at the end of the show?

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