Can My Kids Watch Peter Pan and Wendy post written by the Ent and the Elf. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
Know Before You Watch
Movie: Peter Pan and Wendy 2023
Rating: PG
Genre: Action, Adventure
Length: 1 hr. 46 mins.
Age suggested: 7 and up
Release Date: April 28th, 2023
Warnings: Mild Peril and Violence, Large crocodile that can definitely scare kids. Check out our Can My Kids Watch Peter Pan and Wendy section below for more details.
Peter Pan and Wendy 2023 Summary
Based on the J.M. Barrie Classic, and drawing from both the 1953 animated movie and Hook, Peter Pan and Wendy is a growing up adventure. We start with the Darlings in their house as the are all struggling with Wendy going to school. Then enters Peter Pan who introduces them to Neverland, where children don’t grow older or go to school. Adventuring through Neverland helps Wendy figure out what she can handle.
Peter Pan and Wendy 2023 Review
(Contains Light Spoilers)
Why Watch Peter Pan and Wendy 2023
Peter Pan and Wendy is a great blend of modern filmmaking and classic stories. You have probably heard about “all the big changes” from the classic story, but honestly, this adaptation is quite honest to the source (minus a few problematic things). You can read more about the changes and why we liked them right here.
The casting was absolutely great. Jude Law and Alexander Molony, Hook and Peter Pan respectively, have really solid chemistry. Ever Anderson, who plays Wendy, does a phenomenal job. I absolutely loved seeing Yara Shahidi as Tinkerbell. I think she did a great job handling the non-verbal communication that Tink is known for. Lastly, as a special shout out, Noah Matofsky as Slightly was amazing, although I would have loved him to have a bit more screen time overall.
The main difference for this adaptation is the change in relationship between Peter Pan and Hook. Rather than just being rivals, they have an actual history. James was the first Lost Boy who decided to grow up. Peter decides to stay behind which fractures their relationship. This leads to some genuinely emotional confrontations. With one character who refuses to grow up due to fearing adulthood and the other who resents his childhood due to being abandoned, there was just a lot to dissect here.
Can My Kids Watch Peter Pan and Wendy?
Peter Pan and Wendy is generally a very safe movie for younger viewers. The only potentially scary scene involves a giant crocodile who attacks and does eat somebody off screen. There is a lot of sword fighting and a few characters do get cut or stabbed (one of which is implied to die). Overall, the content of Peter Pan and Wendy is fairly benign and can be handled by most kids 7 and up.
The plot and general story however might be problematic for your kiddo. This adaption doesn’t show the kids being kidnapped, but they do disappear out of their room at night. There are pirates whose whole goal in the story is to get rid of and kill children. And there are a lot of different themes explored with family dynamics and childhood traumas and abandonment. I would give a very strong trigger warning for adoptive and foster caregivers.
I think the main roadblock for younger viewers is simply the pacing and visuals. There are several times during the movie that kids 9 and under will probably just tune out. This does change near the end of the movie when the action picks up. Also, the visuals of the movie were quite dark, instead of the bright popping of many prior Peter Pan movies.
This also might be a good time to introduce the kids to the Tinkerbell movies which are all very family friendly (again trigger warning for the general story of childhood loss and trauma) and streaming on Disney Plus.
This is one of the more family friendly live action movies that Disney has put out recently. And it’s not nearly as scary as The Little Mermaid 2023 live action (Review coming soon).

Favorite Peter Pan and Wendy Quotes
You’re a pirate, aren’t you? It’s every man for himself.
Just imagine all the things you would miss out on if you didn’t see where it took you and all the things the world would miss if you weren’t there to do them
I’ve got to say, it’s not half bad being a pirate. But it’s far better being me.
You stabbed me in the heart with your words for the last time.
Neverland just wasn’t good enough for him, I guess.
Is it a terrible thing? To miss a mother?
This is what it looks like when you grow up wrong.
This magic belongs to no boy!
Don’t touch my brother! Or his bear!
Peter Pan and Wendy 2023 Quotes
Peter Pan and Wendy Discussion Questions
Themes to Discuss: Growing up, Responsibility, Forgiveness
- Which character did you most identify with and why?
- Have you seen other versions of Peter Pan or read the book? If so, how does this one compare?
- What is the connection between Peter and Hook? How does that affect their relationship?
- For older kids: How does childhood play into the character of Peter, Hook, and Wendy?
- What are the best parts about growing up?
- What are some of your favorite things about being a kid?
Thanks for reading this Can My Kids Watch Peter Pan and Wendy post. Before you go, check out these other posts:
-Other Family Friendly Disney Plus Suggestions
-Other Disney Live-Action Remake Reviews
–Lion King
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