Lessons from Migration – A Fun Movie for the 2023 Holidays

Lessons from Migration by the Ent. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog. 

Know Before You Watch Migration

Rating: PG
Genre: Animated, Comedy, Adventure
Length: 1 hr. 31 mins.
Age suggested: 3 and up
Release Date: December 22nd, 2023
Warnings: Mild peril and creepy situations, very mild innuendo

Quick Migration Summary

Although Mac is perfectly fine staying in his little pond for the rest of his life, his family does not feel the same…at all. His wife, Pam, and two kids, Dax and Gwen, have strong desires to see the world and have an adventure. Mac is convinced that nothing but danger lies outside his lake. When Mac is faced with an ultimatum, he agrees to take the family to Jamaica, but the trip doesn’t go anything like anyone expected. This leads to the perfect combination of disaster and hilarity.

Migration Review

Migration tells the story of a family of ducks who decide to migrate to Jamaica. The dad, Mac, is scared of everything outside his pond, but decides to go with his family. The trip immediately starts of rocky as the accidentally head north. This leads to the intro of the main villain, a chef who becomes obsessed with cooking these and other ducks. There are also a lot of fun characters that show up throughout the movie. Special highlights to Delroy and Chump, who were voiced by Keegan Michael-Key and Awkwafina respectively.

Overall, the story is told in what felt like a bunch of side missions that come together to tell the story of migrating to Jamaica. A lot of the funniest moments are in the trailer, but there are still a few great jokes in there for the whole family. There are some surprisingly heartwarming moments and although there is some peril, everything ends up great for all the main characters.

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Is Migration Appropriate?

Migration is a movie that is really made for the whole family. There are many jokes that kids will find hilarious as well as some jokes for the parent that don’t stray into the inappropriate territory. With that said, there are a few instances that may be notable for very young viewers.

The only creepy part involves two herons that are seemingly going to eat the ducks. The give long intimidating and creepy stares, but ultimately help the family along their way. One of the subplots involves a chef trying to get the ducks for his restaurant. He is more of a caricature than a person, but does pose a significant threat to the birds at times. There are also a few little throw-away jokes about the young ducks that have very mild innuendos in them, such as, “I’m sorry you’re not going to get to have babies with her”. These all come from the little sister and are generally just some funny jokes thrown in.

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Favorite Migration Quotes

Don’t worry. I’m teaching her very valuable fears. I would know. I’ve lived with them my entire life.

Mac, don’t want to miss out on life because you’re too afraid to leave this pond

It’s a little scary, sure. But isn’t it worth it?

You really need to open your eyes, Mac, before you miss it all.

Wake me up when it’s my turn to be eaten. 

I’m sharing my life with him so I’m painfully aware of all the stupid things that come out of his mouth.

Just because you’re scared of everything in the world doesn’t mean I have to be. 

When everything is hopeless, we have to be optimistic

Migration Quotes

Lessons from Migration

Lesson #1: Family is About Compromise

Mac is dead set on never leaving his pond, but when the choice is go or lose his family, he does what’s best for his family. This compromise sets off giant adventure that eventually improves the lives of not only Mac’s family, but Mac himself.

Lesson #2: People Aren’t Always What They Seem

The herons play the creepy characters in this film, in quite a humorous manner. No matter how many times they show that they are not a threat, there is this underlying tension in everything they do. Mac’s fear of herons at the beginning of the movie show to have no merit here though as the herons provide food and shelter without causing any harm.

Lesson #3: People are Worth the Risks

Mac shows the best character development in the film through his journey of fear. At the beginning of the story, Mac is completely overtaken with fear in everything he does. At a certain point in the movie, Mac accomplishes what he thought was impossible and this gives him the confidence boost to take more risks, but still leaves him fearful of his kids’ safety. Ultimately, he learns how to trust his family to take their own risks while being brave enough to take his own.

Migration Discussion Questions

Themes to Discuss: Overcoming fear, Bravery, Judging others, Trusting family

  1. Which character did you relate to the most? What did you relate to?
  2. Why did Pam, Dax, and Gwen want to leave the pond? What was Mac’s thoughts on it?
  3. Which scene did you think was the funniest?
  4. Mac says that he just wants Dax to listen and obey him. What happens that forces Dax and Gwen to fight for their family?
  5. How did Mac change from the beginning of the film to the end? What led to this change?

Thanks for reading out Lessons from Migration!

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