Aladdin: The best live action remake to date?

The best live action Disney remake to date? This team says YES! We all love the original and love how this movie paid tribute to that while putting their own little spins on it. This is the first remake that we would say is less scary than the cartoon. This is a Disney princess movie that we want our little ones growing up with! And we can’t wait to watch, laugh and sing with again ourselves! It will be a streaming regular in our house for sure! Check out what you should know before you go, our review and discussion questions for after the movie here!

ugly dolls

Is Ugly Dolls worth watching? A review with discussion questions

Follow Moxie and her friends as they discover who’s opinions matter and what it really means to be beautiful. Parents should know that it’s an entertaining movie- but the messages, especially those about body images, need to be discussed outside of the theater. The previews were hysterical and the message had amazing potential. But instead of leaving the theater feeling happy and humming new tunes, I felt like I had just watched a really good hour long toy commercial. Is it worth seeing in the theater or at all? Check out the blog for more info.

Down The Hobbit Hole Blog