The Chosen Discussion Questions written by the Elf. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
- Know Before You Watch
- The Chosen Series Summary:
- 1- The Chosen Episode One: I Have Called You By Name
- 2- The Chosen Episode Two: Shabbat
- 3- The Chosen Episode Three: Jesus Loves the Little Children
- 4- The Chosen Episode Four: The Rock on Which it is Built
- 5- The Chosen Episode Five: The Wedding Gift
- 6- The Chosen Episode Six: Indescribable Compassion
- 7- The Chosen Episode Seven: Invitations
- 8- The Chosen Episode Eight: I am He
- The Chosen Pilot or Season 1 Episode 0 (Christmas Special): The Shepherd
- Conclusion
Know Before You Watch The Chosen Season 1:
Show Name: The Chosen Season 1 (Season 2 here, Season 3 here, Season 4 here)
Rating: Not Rated (We would say G/PG)
Age Suggestion: 8+
Episode Length: Currently there are 9 episodes (the goal being 8 full seasons), they run 30-45 minutes each
Where to Watch: The (free) Chosen App. You can also find just season 1 on Youtube, Pure Flix, and Peacock
Warnings: While there definitely is content that we would label adult or disturbing in the New Testament, so far the show has done an excellent job of making this friendly for younger viewers. Not by sanitizing the stories, but by leaving things implied but not shown. Some of the content might be triggering for victims of abuse and parents should be aware that there is some violence. In general, this is a very family friendly show.

The Chosen Series Summary:
See Jesus through the eyes of the Sanhedrin, the disciples, and children. In the time of the Bible, but in our language and style of TV programming. The Chosen is set up as a multi season drama that’s less like a straight re-telling of Biblical events and more like a mixture of ‘This is Us’ and ‘The Bible’ series. The series has been crowdfunded instead of paid for by a network. It gives us a fictional perspective on Bible events through the eyes of those around Jesus.
Worried that the Chosen might take a few too many liberties with the story? They tell you that it is fictionalized, but they try to make it true to the heart of the Gospel. They encourage their audience to read along in the Bible yourself and think about how it might have looked. I saw nothing heretical in the first season, and even when things didn’t line up with my perspective exactly, it helped me think of things in a different way. Their goal is to make eight seasons.
The Chosen is a fresh look at the Gospels for those who have been reading the stories for years or for those who are just curious about who Jesus is and was.
We hope this discussion guide will prove useful for you. It can be used in a small group setting, a Bible study setting, or as a family discussion guide! If it’s useful to you, please share it on social media.
You can find materials from the show creators on their website here which helps with the making of future episodes since the project is crowdfunded- or from the links below.
1- The Chosen Episode One:
I Have Called You By Name
Quick Summary:
We are introduced to Mary Magdelene and a few of the disciples. It took me a little bit to get into this episode, but by the end of it my interest was piqued. Mary was never a Bible character I had really personally empathized with before, and imagining the disciples living a normal life before Jesus was jarring in a good way. I’m going into the rest of the series with an open mind and heart, excited to see the gospel as a story in a package I haven’t experienced it in yet. (PS- the Gospels don’t tell us a lot about Mary besides the fact that she had means and that Jesus drove demons from her)
Read for Bible Study for The Chosen Season 1 Episode 1:
Luke 8:1-15 (Mary, Seed Parable, Parable Meanings) Mark 16: 6-11 (Jesus appears to Mary first)
The Chosen Discussion Questions:
1) It’s interesting to see how the religious and political environment looked in Jesus’ day. What kind of people did Jesus spend the least and most time with?
2) What did you think of how Matthew the tax collector and Simon Peter were portrayed?
3) Redeemed, called by name. How can we remind ourselves of this truth and live it out practically?
2- The Chosen Episode Two: Shabbat
Quick Summary:
The Sabbath from different perspectives. In this episode we see Jesus perform a miracle that the holy leaders cannot. We also get a little more background on the difficulties of being Jewish and living under Roman rule. A moving episode.
Read for Bible Study The Chosen Season 1 Episode 2:
Deuteronomy 5:12-14 (The Sabbath) Matthew 18:15-17 (Resolving conflict, tax collectors) Matthew 17:24-27 (Jesus and Tax Collectors)
The Chosen Discussion Questions:
1) We rest and honor family, our people and God on the Sabbath, we refresh our souls. Rest is a restorative gift. How are you utilizing it? How could you be utilizing it more?
2) Which Sabbath was Jesus a part of? Which Sabbath would you have been at?
3) Simon Peter and Andrew were in a tough position, what do you think about how they handled it?
4) When a miracle happens, are you one to question every detail, or just enjoy and celebrate it?
3- The Chosen Episode Three:
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Quick Summary:
A group of kids learn from Jesus for a week. The bold and simple faith of childhood is on display. Begging the question- do you embrace a childlike faith? This was my favorite episode! There was very little action- it was all about Jesus and the kids. I loved the boldness of the children. May we all venture to be as abundantly filled with hope and faith.
Read for Bible Study The Chosen Season 1 Episode 3:
Luke 18: 15-17 (Let the children come), Mark 9:42, Mark 3:13-19 (the disciples appointed)
The Chosen Discussion Questions:
1) Is it strange for you to think of Jesus as personable?
2) What does it say to you that Jesus so intentionally made time for children? What about the amount of time that he spent with them?
3) “Adults need the faith of children.” How can we intentionally make space for this in our faith and life?
4) It was easy for Abigail to tell her friends about Jesus- how easy is it for you?

4- The Chosen Episode Four:
The Rock on Which it is Built
Quick Summary:
The last of the original episodes. During this hour we see Jesus teach about what it means to be fishers of men- and trust that God will take care of us. I personally loved this episode for multiple reasons. It showed a women being the spiritual leader of her household. “Where is your faith?” Simon’s wife asked him. He did not even realize how bitter and jaded he had become. This happens so easily and is such a relevant message for today. It also showed Jesus doing a miracle and relaxing on the beach.
Read for Bible Study The Chosen Season 1 Episode 4:
John 1:19-28 (John the Baptist is questioned by Pharisees), John 21 (Miraculous Catch), Luke 5:1-11 (Jesus calls the fisherman)
The Chosen Discussion Questions:
1) Jesus provided for Simon’s physical need- but the miracle was more than that. He changed Simon’s mindset, called him to something more! Not to riches, but to spreading the good news for the sake of others souls. What soul work have we been called to?
2) John the Baptist was considered a heretic, and crazy. If the religious leaders of Jesus’ day were constantly missing the point- is it possible that we are missing some of the main points in our evangelical Christian culture? 3) Share a moment in your life where the miracle of the fished has metaphorically happened for you. When you’ve thought there was absolutely no way that something would work, but God made it happen.
4) Sometimes we forget how intense the teachings of Jesus were. His parables and teachings were not sanitized, feel-good messages. What do you think the impact of this miracle would have meant in the context of Jesus’ time?
5- The Chosen Episode Five: The Wedding Gift
Quick Summary:
In this episode, we see a flashback of Jesus as a child, and his mother calling him into his time of ministry at a family wedding. The miracle of turning water into wine. Again, I enjoyed seeing Jesus in a different context than my mind would have imagined him.
Read for Bible Study The Chosen Season 1 Episode 5:
John 2: 1-11 (Jesus turns water to wine), Luke 2: 41-52 (The boy Jesus at the temple)
The Chosen Discussion Questions:
1) Instead of condemning John, Nicodemus sat down and said “Tell me about your ministry.” When’s the last time you sat down and talked to someone you might not agree with and simply said “Tell me more.”?
2) This passage is often viewed as Jesus correcting/ directing his mother, but that’s not the path the showrunners took. What do you think that might have looked like?
3) Jesus reassures Thomas that while it’s good to ask questions, that we won’t always understand the answers, or even get answers. How do you handle this?

6- The Chosen Episode Six:
Indescribable Compassion
Quick Summary:
Jesus heals and urges people to remember to be vigilant with their faith, remembering that no one person is greater than any other. We are all God’s beloved creation. While the following of Jesus is growing, His enemies are also growing in number. This episode was awe-inspiring. A beautiful reminder
Read for Bible Study The Chosen Season 1 Episode 6:
Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus heals the man let down through the roof), Matthew 8:1-4 (Jesus heals a leper), Luke 12: 36-48 (The parable of the servant), Matthew 6: 1-18 (Giving to the needy and prayer)
The Chosen Discussion Questions:
1) Which part of this episode was the most different from how you imagined it being after reading the passage in Scripture?
2) Who would you equate with a tax collector today? A Roman soldier? A Jewish citizen?
3) “We can do both”, walking the road that has been laid out for us and also keeping our eyes open. What did you think of Nicodemus’ speech? It’s easy to cling to our God shaped boxes.
4) There was a LOT of compassion emphasized in this episode. From not giving publicly to the healing of a leper. How did Jesus preach about and show compassion? Do you think there is a difference between compassion, giving, empathy, and goodwill?

7- The Chosen Episode Seven: Invitations
Quick Summary:
Jesus calls Matthew to follow Him. He talks to Nicodemus. And we also see an act of faith from Moses. #GetUsedToDifferent
This episode dragged a little for me in comparison to the others but it was still very engaging. I loved how they portrayed the exchange between Nicodemus and Jesus.
Read for Bible Study The Chosen Season 1 Episode 7:
John 3:1-21 (Jesus teaches Nicodemus), Matthew 9: 9-13 (Jesus calls Matthew), Numbers 21:4-9 (Moses and the bronze snake)
The Chosen Discussion Questions:
1) Did it surprise you how quickly Matthew agreed to follow Jesus? Especially in comparison to how timid Nicodemus was?
2) If you feel like sharing- what is your story of being born again?
3) It can be shocking to read stories like the bronze snake. God demands obedience and faith. What daily habits can we develop and strengthen to become as quick to obedience as Matthew was.

8- The Chosen Episode Eight: I am He
Quick Summary:
This episode is a full hour. We see Jesus gather the disciples begin His season of earthly ministry. He talks to the woman at the well. This episode definitely made me excited for future seasons.
Read for Bible Study The Chosen Season 1 Episode 8:
Mark 2:13-17 (Jesus eats with sinners), John 4:1-42 (The story of the Woman at the Well)
The Chosen Discussion Questions:
1) Obedience at the risk of derision and opposition from others, even from our usual way of life seems impossible. Discuss the different ways people reacted to Jesus’ directions, the directions of family, and from peers.
2) Jesus mentions several times that he’s not trying to bring people ‘easy’, nor is he here to deliver them from their oppressive government. What is Jesus’ purpose in coming and in bringing His disciples to follow him?
3) Do some self reflection, has there ever been a time in your life where you were as excited about Jesus as the woman at the well was? How can we bring back some of that excitement?
4) Who were the first told about Jesus’ birth? Who did He first tell about His ministry? What were their social status’?
The Chosen Pilot or Season 1 Episode 0
(Christmas Special): The Shepherd
**Find our guide for the 2021 Christmas special here**
Quick Summary:
Shepherds were not well thought of; nomads, smelly, and lowly in society. But they were told first of Jesus’ birth. We see the miracle of the manger from the perspective of a shepherd whose entire life was changed by the event.
Read for Bible Study The Chosen Season 1 Pilot Episode:
Luke 2:8-20 (The shepherds are told about Jesus)
The Chosen Discussion Questions:
1) Is your church open to the hurting? Ministering to the community? Or more of a country club like the pharisees houses of worship?
2) What did you think about the way they portrayed the angels telling the shepherds the news?
3) Did this episode change your perspective of the manger scene at all?

Overall I was very impressed by this season and show! The emotional depth they manage to bring to each episode is impressive. Throughout the season you really get the message of the gospel. Jesus came to save our souls. He showed us how to live the gospel out in obedience, relationship and love. And we were so thankful for this digital resource during the pandemic.
What was your favorite moment from this first season?!
Please share this discussion guide on social media if it was useful to you!
Check this out next…
If you enjoyed this post on The Chosen Show Season 1, Check out our The Chosen Season 2, Season 3 Guide here, and Season 4 Discussion Guide here.
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Check out the full Bible study from the series creators on their website here (which is a part of their crowdfunding) or at the links below. And find our review and discussion questions for season 2 here.
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Meet the author: Sarah writes as the Elf and is our main blog moderator. She loves being with her kids, teaching, and writing every day! A fan of binging books, shows and occasionally chocolate, she enjoys deep conversations about Jesus, family and entertainment.
I don’t think I have heard of this before, but thank you for sharing!
I hadn’t heard of it until two weeks ago either! But I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it! & the app is free! If you do end up watching it- let us know what you think!!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Please review the Bible verses for Episode 4. Do you want the story of Nicodemus, John 3:1-21, or the story of John the Baptist, Matthew 3:1-12? This reference seems a bit off.
Thanks so much for bringing that to our attention!
We meant to reference John the Baptist being questioned by the Pharisees in John 1.
The reference has been fixed!
Appreciate you bringing it to our attention!
Thanks for checking out our discussion guide!
OK, one more reference issue. In Episode 4 the Bible Reference listed is John 21. This is the “cast the net over the other side” story after Jesus’ resurrection. The Bible verse that seems to match the script almost word for word is Luke 5;1-11.
I’ll include that reference as well- thanks!!
Thank you so much! This is great material!
So glad to hear that it’s helpful! Thanks for reading!
Thanks heaps. I wanted to watch this with my Middle School Youth Group and was about to start writing a study to go with it! WHOOP WHOOP – DONE!!!! Love it when people share, hate reinventing the wheel. You guys are awesome!
Yay!!! So glad that you’ll be able to use this study 🙂
We hope you have some great conversations with your Middle Schoolers!!
Thank you so much for providing this resource on your Blog. I will be using it as a guide as I create a small group study for our church. Great work on this!
Yay! So glad that it was useful for you!
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!
We appreciate it!
Hope your small group studies go well!
What was the significance of the birds when Mary was walking by the cliffs ?
Did Jesus actually ask Andrew to follow him, he just jumped out of the boat and stood by Simon.
I think we will get more of Andrew’s story in the next seasons- but yes, he was the one who brought Simon Peter to Jesus in the first place and they both follow. The show I feel followed pretty closely with John 1, but you can also read about it in Matthew 4 where the Bible says that both brothers followed.
I can’t recall what scene you are talking about as far as Mary and the birds. There’s a Chosen fan FB page- if you take a screenshot, there are some people who might be able to help immediately. And if you respond to this with what episode it is, I’ll gladly re-watch and see if I notice anything! The whole team also has a lot of behind the scenes and more in depth discussions about the characters in their videos which are posted to their youtube and facebook.
Hope that helped!
I so hope they can do all 8 seasons. Hubby and I absolutely loved watching this show! It was so well made and had interesting ideas about how to show the story of the Gospel.
Me too!!
Season 2 will start coming out this spring! Yay!
I’m glad you both enjoyed watching it- it did have such interesting ideas and it definitely makes you re-think some of the stories!