The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions Written by the Elf . This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog.
- Know Before You Watch The Chosen Season 3:
- The Chosen Season 3 Review
- The Chosen Season 3 Summary
- The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions and Bible Study
- Episode 1 – Homecoming
- Episode 2 – Two by Two
- Episode 3 – Physician, Heal Yourself
- Episode 4- Clean: Part 1
- Episode 5- Clean: Part 2
- Episode 6- Intensity in Tent City
- Episode 7- Ears to Hear
- Episode 8- Finale
- Favorite The Chosen Season 3 Quotes
Know Before You Watch The Chosen Season 3:
Show Name: The Chosen Season 3 (Season 1, Season 2, and Season 4 here)
Rating: Not Rated (We would say G/PG)
Age Suggestion: 8 and up
Episode Length: ~50 minutes per episode
Where to Watch: The first 2 episodes are being released in theaters beginning November 18th. They will soon after be released weekly on the (free) Chosen App. You can also find just season 1 on Youtube, Pure Flix, and Peacock.
Warnings: This season is not as family friendly as the first two. Viewers need to be aware that there is a little more blood, violence, talk of violence, sexual innuendo, flashing strobe like images, and depictions of child death, illness, and loss. We do not believe it was over the top. This is all done very well and in the context of the story, but might be triggering to those struggling with loss and might not be appropriate for younger viewers. Some of the content might be triggering for victims of abuse and parents should be aware that there is some violence. In general, this is a very family friendly show.
When will the Chosen Season 3 Be Released?
The first two and the final two episodes of The Chosen Season 3 were released in theaters. As of February 10th, all episodes of The Chosen Season 3 can be streamed on their app.
When will the Chosen Season 4 Be Released?
The Season 4 episodes are being released in theaters during February 2024. The first 3 episodes will be released on February 1st. Episodes 4-6 will come out in theaters February 15th, and episodes 7 and 8 will come out February 29th. Although the exact date is unknown at this time, they will soon after be released on Angel Studios. You can also find Seasons 1-3 on Amazon Prime Video!
The Chosen Season 3 Trailer
The Chosen Season 3 Review
So far, season 3 is the most fictional season yet. A majority of the episodes have been based on fictional accounts of what might have happened rather than Biblical events or text itself. The creators of the show state emphatically that the show is not a substitute for Bible study or reading. They say that they want the show to deepen our understanding and love of Jesus and to understand what it might have been like to follow Him.
As the show continues to delve into the lives of the disciples we get to see a little more of the tension and difficulty they faced that we might not think about usually. There is a lot more serious and painful content in this season than in previous seasons as well. There were a few moments that I worry might be grossly misinterpreted by audiences, but at the same time- that’s what happens with Biblical interpretation as well. Overall- the acting is fantastic. The sets and believability have impressed me. And I have been impressed with the perspective the show has given me personally. But I will restate that this is fiction. The Chosen is not the Bible and is not entirely based on the Bible. And that is something you need to be aware of. As a group, we all enjoyed this season and are looking forward to the 4th.
The Chosen Season 3 Summary
We follow the lives of Jesus and the disciples as the ministry of Jesus begins to spread. The disciples lives are examined as they are sent out by Jesus. As the disciples start to go out, and the teachings of Jesus start to spread, tensions rise. But Jesus reminds the disciples again and again that He came with hope, not a sword. The season ends with two powerful miracles and the disciples coming back together.
Season Three Warning: In showing the personal lives of the disciples, there is some more mature and (very slightly) graphic content [EG: healing wounds and depictions of death]. And many have complained that this season is more fictional than the first two. And while we are enjoying it and think it’s very appropriate for ages 8 plus, it might not be your cup of tea.
The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions and Bible Study
Episode 1 – Homecoming
Summary for Episode 1 of The Chosen Season 3
As season 3 kicks off, we see Jesus preaching to many people. He is saying many of the things found in the Sermon on the Mount. As he says each line, we pan to different disciples and followers and how it affects them emotionally. This leads very well into the personal stories of the disciples, which seems like it will be a common theme throughout this season.
There is a lot of interpersonal relations that are focused on as Thomas and Ramah are flirting, Andrew is deeply concerned with his first teacher, John the Baptist, and Matthew deals with his past sins. We also got a few newer characters in Judas, Joanna, and Jairus. This episode acts as a good foundation as we continue the teachings of Jesus while also building up the personal stories of his followers.
Episode 1 Discussion Questions for The Chosen Season 3
- People in the crowd react differently to the sermon on the mount. Some see what Jesus is preaching to be unrealistic. Others see it as actions to incorporate into their lives. It still gets these reactions today. How do you see it after reading it and watching this episode?
- As we get more introduced to Judas, his motives seems genuine. How does this compare with your expectations? What does this say about how we view people who have made mistakes in the past?
- We are introduced to Joanna. Who is her story merged with? What message did she deliver?
- Why is it important for the show to show humor? What was your favorite humorous moment?
- How did the Romans see what Jesus said? Did they view it as pushing for peace or armed battle?
Bible Study Passages for The Chosen Season 3 Episode 1
-Matthew 5-7 The Sermon on the Mount
-Luke 8:3 Joanna
-Matthew 11:2 Reference to John the Baptist’s disciples
-Mark 5:21-43 Jairus’ story (somewhat a spoiler if unknown)
Episode 2 – Two by Two
Episode 2 Summary for The Chosen Season 3
Picking up where we left off in episode one, we continue to dive into the personal lives of Jesus’ followers. A lot of these come directly into conflict when Jesus informs twelve of his followers that they will be his apostles and spread his message two by two. This season continues to really humanize the disciples as we see the sacrifices that they made to follow Jesus. There is also a bit of tension as there are a few hints of resentment among the leaders in Rome.
Episode 2 of The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions
- Parent and child relationships can be tough. What information does this episode give us on handling relationships between parents and adult children?
- How does this episode set up the role of Judas?
- Who were the Zealots? What was their group about?
- In sending out the disciples 2 by 2 Jesus gives them specific instructions. Do those instructions apply to us today? What about to popular or famous Christian speakers and preachers?
- Jesus pairs up the disciples to send out. What was the significance of each of the pairs?
Bible Passages to Study with Episode 2 of The Chosen Season 3
-John 12:6 Judas’ intentions
-Matthew 9:35-38 Some of the implied ministry prior to sending out the apostles
-Matthew 10:1-15 Sending out the twelve
Episode 3 – Physician, Heal Yourself
Episode 3 Summary for The Chosen Season 3
The disciples have been sent out by Jesus. And Jesus heads back to Nazareth to see his mom and celebrate Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year Celebration). It is in Nazareth that we meet Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha. Jesus is thrown out as a false teacher and heretic after claiming to be the law of Moses. The aftershow addresses a couple of the more controversial points of the episodes- mainly whether or not Jesus had siblings.
Episode 3 of The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions
- What Jewish holidays are you aware of? What is the significance of Rosh Hashanah?
- Consider what it might have been like to be friends with Jesus as a child and witness Him preach as an adult.
- Have you considered the idea that Jesus might have not been perfect at everything? He is described in the Scripture as not being very popular or good looking.
- What was the significance of the history of what Joseph passed down to Jesus?
Bible Passages to Study with Episode 3 of The Chosen Season 3
-Luke 4:14-30 Jesus rejected at Nazareth
-Isaiah 61 Good news for the oppressed
-Isaiah 53 Description of Jesus

Episode 4- Clean: Part 1
Episode 4 Summary for The Chosen Season 3
Clean, episode 4 of Season 3, opens with a short collection of black and white scenes from the disciples journeys. Mainly of them healing in the name of Jesus. We thought this was a fun way to highlight a lot of smaller stories quickly. We also meet a couple of other well known characters and hear a little more about the Old Testament laws regarding women’s periods. This will play into part 2. The disciples also clash on how to raise money as well as how much they should understand before sharing about Jesus. My favorite part of the episode was Gaius and Peter discussing big and small problems at the well.
Episode 4 of The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions
- Before watching The Chosen, how did you believe the disciples were perceived and welcomed?
- What were the politics about the water and how can we relate to that today? Are there things that you could do easily to ensure clean drinking water for others?
- How easy or difficult would it be to give up your home and privacy today?
- Why were so many leaders of the time struggling to reconcile what Jesus taught, particularly the message of peace?
Bible Passages to Study with Episode 4 of The Chosen Season 3
-Leviticus 15 Old Testament Laws About Women’s Bodies
-Mark 5 Jesus Healing
-Mark 6: 6-13 Jesus Sends Out the Disciples to Heal
-Stories of the Disciples Healing, Preaching the Gospel Message of Healing and Peace Through God
Episode 5- Clean: Part 2
Trigger Warning (Spoiler): There is a fairly graphic scene at the beginning of the episode where a woman loses her baby and a lot of blood.
Episode 5 Summary for The Chosen Season 3
As the title suggests, Episode 5 picks up right where we left off in episode four. The majority of this episode focuses heavily on the story of Jairus’ daughter and the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak. Jesus tells a few disciples why He does not want His miracles talked about widely and publicly yet.
This episode is a great one for discussion, but we also urge gentleness and caution. This episode was really triggering for me and I can imagine that it would be for many, many others too. There are parents who have great faith whose children die. There are those with illnesses who have great faith and are never healed. That does not take away from the miraculous situations, but it should bring us to love and compassion.
I also really enjoyed this episode for two reasons. First, because it shows so well how it would have been a struggle for the disciples but also because it shows that the disciples and Jesus had fun. Their work and experiences were so heavy and intense, but there was also joy. I appreciate that this show emphasizes both.
Episode 5 of The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions
- Gaius and Peter are surprised to learn that they actually have some similarities. They talk about how they might call each other names just because they belong to a specific group of people. When is the last time you found out something unexpected and humanizing about someone you disagreed with in general?
- Who would be considered unclean in your community? Have you ever had a conversation or interaction with someone on the fringes of your community or society?
- What verse from Mark 5 stand out to you the most?
Bible Passages to Study with Episode 5 of The Chosen Season 3
-Mark 5: 21-43 The Healing of Jairus’ daughter and the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak
-Matthew 9:14-17 Jesus discussing fasting and wine skins
Episode 6- Intensity in Tent City
Episode 6 Summary for The Chosen Season 3
A major plot point of the episode is that Pontius Pilate is starting to crack down on the followers of Jesus in attempt to scatter them. This coincides the the Pharisees also taking note of Jesus’ actions and starting their own confrontations during healings. This is intensified when messengers from John the Baptist ask Jesus if he is truly the one they have been waiting for in front of the crowds and the Pharisees.
This episode has several subplots regarding a few different characters. It starts with Pilate’s wife having a vision of a snake, Jesus, and his followers. Tamar and Mary work together to repair the soil for growing olive oil. Also, Simon and his wife discuss losing their child and how they weren’t there for each other. The whole episode has a feel that we are building towards something bigger as the finale approaches.
Episode 6 of The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions
- How are we seeing the intensity build in the show as we approach the season finale?
- Why was Simon’s wife frustrated with him? What could they both have done to prevent this intense argument?
- At this point, Jesus is telling people not to tell others about his works? What is the reason behind this?
- How does Pilate’s attitude towards tent cities reflect today’s attitudes towards homeless tent cities? What is the similarities and differences?
Bible Passages to Study with Episode 6 of The Chosen Season 3
-Matthew 27:19 Pilate’s wife warns him not to get involved with Jesus
-Matthew 16:20 Jesus tells people not to tell others of his works
-Luke 8:1-3 The women supporting Jesus through their own means
-Luke 7:18-35 Jesus heals and is asked a question from John the Baptist’s disciples
Episode 7- Ears to Hear
Episode 7 Summary for The Chosen Season 3
Episode 7 opens with the celebration of Purim, but not everyone is happy. Several disciples are worried about a crisis they set off in Decapolis with the banquet parable. Simon is distraught. Matthew and Mary share some hope. Rabbi Shmuel is on the hunt for heresy. Jesus heals and teaches. The seasons big finale is set up.
Episode 7 of The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions
- What did you know about Purim going into the finale? What does Purim teach us about the character of God?
- Why do we have a tendency to think that life is full of scarcity and not abundance? How can we shift our mindset towards generosity, love, and abundance?
- Mary talks about being suicidal and that God sent her a dove. And the older man who impressed Matthew with his math and prayer tassels was his dove. What big dove moments have happened in your life? How can we look more for them?
- There were scam artists claiming miracles and to be Jesus already. What did Shmuel tell the scammed man he should have looked for in a prophet before funding him? [There’s a fine line between giving generously and making sure you are also giving and spending ethically and responsibly. What are some of the tools you can use to this end?]
- How can we make sure that we are not leaving people in pain behind?
Bible Passages to Study with Episode 7 of The Chosen Season 3
-Esther 4-9: Read about Esther and how Purim came to be celebrated
-Luke 14: 15-34: The parable of the banquet and ‘He who has ears.’ verse.
Episode 8- Finale
Episode 8 Summary for The Chosen Season 3
An angry crowd has gathered around Jesus and the disciples in Decapolis, but Jesus instructs them to listen and be peaceful. Instead of a fight He brings love, hope, and food. Many of the characters feel unworthy. Lots and lots of arguments and tension from every storyline. Our short memories are highlighted by the fact that you can witness a literal miracle performed by Jesus and turn around and grumble about the rain or how far away something is. Simon and Eden grieve. The disciples have to work together. Jesus teaches and performs to big miracles.
Personal Finale Review for The Chosen season 3:
It’s taken me a few weeks to process why this episode did not sit right with me. Talking to a friend who felt a similar way helped me pin it down. While the script tried to stay away from platitudes and glossing over grief, it still wrapped it up in a nice neat bow at the end of the episode. But that wasn’t what felt really off to me, I’ve come to expect rainbow testimonies now. (EG: Life was beautiful. Intro big, long struggle arch that only takes a few minutes to talk about. But then things got beautiful again because God gave me something. A very Western culture thing.)
I so appreciated how the Rabbi handled things so well with Eden. (Not always a given because religious leaders and lay leaders are rarely equipped to counsel or are aware of community resources for it. Which is one reason that seeking out professional counselors who love Jesus rather than Biblical counseling or Christian life coaching has been SO helpful for me).
But it was their interactions with Jesus where the grief was brushed off the most. The image of Jesus that has been most comforting to me as a grieving person is the one where Jesus cries. Where Jesus holds my hand and acknowledges my pain. Not one where Jesus basically says ‘Eh, don’t worry about it. It will bring me glory and you have better things coming.’ First of all because we are not guaranteed better things or relief from suffering. (Simon is crucified after all.) And second of all because I believe God is a caring and loving God who grieves and sits with us.
Just because the finale was not what I was hoping for (Especially with the script for Jesus) does not mean I think any less of the show. I truly enjoyed this season and am looking forward to more. And I would encourage you to remember your grieving friends, and be moved with compassion for them. Not to fix them or make them feel better, but to sit with them. To invite them even if they say no. To help feed them and remind them to keep drinking water. To show them the love in very practical ways. I appreciated how the show tried to handle this and look forward to future seasons.
Episode 8 of The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions
- What comforts you in grief Biblically? How can we practice better sitting with those who grieve?
When Eden is sitting with the rabbi, he says that reading a happy passage over herself would be disingenuous. How can we be genuine and help others be genuine with their feelings without trying to push them away with a joyful passage? This was an important scene for me, as a grieving mother, the most painful comments I’ve received have come from the church. Platitudes and phrases that diminish grief do not help grieving people. And I want to emphasize the fact that Jesus did not remove Simon’s pain or rage. The cleansing and talk with the rabbi do not take away Eden’s grief- it helps her to accept it and start moving with it. In Western Christianity we do not honor mourning, but our predecessors in the early church did. - We see positive examples of honoring tradition and the past (Purim) and negative (the religious Jewish men refusing to eat with Hellenistic neighbors). The old way is not always best. How can we make way for new ideas without being accusatory and defensive like Shmuel was?
- How did you feel watching the two miracles? Did something surprise you about them?
- Take time to identify who the gentiles, those outside the ‘welcome’ crowd, the poor, or those on the other side of the road are…
a- in your church?
b- in your larger religious community?
c- in your city?
d- in your work environment?
Bible Passages to Study with Episode 6 of The Chosen Season 3
-Matthew 17:20 Faith as Small as a Mustard Seed
-Psalm 77 A desperate Psalm from Asaph
-Matthew 11:25-30 Wisdom is revealed to children, and ‘Come to Me’
-Matthew 14: 13-34 Jesus Feeds the 5 Thousand, Walking on Water
Favorite The Chosen Season 3 Quotes

“Are you ready to do hard things?”
“I have some questions. I tend to overthink things”
“In something He said to those thousands of people, there was something for you.”
“It is not sustainable for me to do all the preaching and teaching.”
“I have chosen you twelve as my apostles”
“You received without paying. Now give without paying.”
“I know how easy it is to sing the Song of David ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made’ but it doesn’t make this any easier”
“It’s scary when you upset powerful people, but it’s worth it”
“I am the law of Moses.”
“Do not be afraid. You must believe. She will be well.”
“Thank you for your faith. I pray that more in the Synagogue will share it.”
“We think life is full of scarcity instead of abundance.”
“Many of you are afraid right now instead of choosing to trust me.”
“I tell them God performed a miracle but they say He ate with the wrong people.”
“Sometimes people need someone to sit with them and just be quiet.”
“I’m here, I’m always here.”
-The Chosen Season 3 Quotes
Thanks for checking out our post on The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions
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–Check out the resources from the series creators on their website here (which is a part of their crowdfunding).
Down The Hobbit Hole Blog and this The Chosen Season 3 Discussion Questions and Review use affiliate links. We only link products we think you’ll like and you are never charged extra for them. As Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. All images used in this post were either original designs from Canva or used from media kits We also use cookies to gather analytics and present advertisements. Find our other reviews with discussion questions here. And our posts about family stuff here.
Simon the Zealot and Matthew… 2X2 in the movie?
Scripture says
Simon the Zealot and Judas
Matthew and Thomas
Why is this different?
Yeah, this is interesting. From the first two episodes, I think there are two possibilities.
1) The pairings given in the second episode my not be the final lineup.
2) They may have taken a few liberties in order to tell the story they wanted to tell between the former zealot and tax collector.
At this point, I think waiting to see how it plays out is all we can do. 🙂
Just noting a spelling error a few times:
not Jarius.
🙂 That’s just my eye for details! Thanks for these discussion questions! Much appreciated!
Thanks for catching that! It has been updated.
Just a correction- it isn’t Quintus who has chats and works with Peter to fix the cisterns. His name is Gaius, if I’m not mistaken.
Good catch, fixed it. Thank you.
on episode 6, question 4, there is a typo. it asks “what was Pilate’s attitude toward the tent cities?” but it should be Quintus, not Pilate.